JoinedPosts by prologos
Women's Place In Jehovah's Arrangement
by TMS in"i do not permit a woman to teach or to exercize authority over a man, but to be in silence.
" these inspired words are frequently quoted to help define the role of women among jehovah's witnesses.
then eve.
OUTLAW: "jws pray in Chinese restaurants,
often--because they have two prayer meals,1) one to give thanks, and 2) at the end asking for forgiveness for gluttony. Rants about restaurants
This may be a crazy question, but it popped in my head and won't leave. . So I gotta ask. . .
by Miss Worldly inok, this probably applies to most faith systems that believe in any sort of afterlife, but i would like to know what sort of explanation the jw's would come up with for this little problem, you know, after armageddon on earthly paradise.
sorry if i sound dumb, but it's been nagging at me for a few weeks and have to ask.. so, what if a young married jw couple are living their life, waiting for the big a, knowing they will be together in the earthly paradise, then very sadly one of them dies.
from what i know, if a jw dies, that's it.
JB: "The resurrected are like angles they do not marry.
It's a bible Jesus thing not a JW rule.Jws that are resurrected to heaven do marry-- in the " the marriage of the lamb". Marriage after Armageddon was our big defense; whenever a not to subtle, unsolicited proposal came our way, the comment was : We belong to AA a-- after Armageddon, anonymous , anno circa 1958. wt teaching had it, you had it, even then you would have to wait a thousand years to have a really perfect husband.PS: that line also confirmed your firm wt belief that the end was near, no resurrection no show at the altar envisioned.
This may be a crazy question, but it popped in my head and won't leave. . So I gotta ask. . .
by Miss Worldly inok, this probably applies to most faith systems that believe in any sort of afterlife, but i would like to know what sort of explanation the jw's would come up with for this little problem, you know, after armageddon on earthly paradise.
sorry if i sound dumb, but it's been nagging at me for a few weeks and have to ask.. so, what if a young married jw couple are living their life, waiting for the big a, knowing they will be together in the earthly paradise, then very sadly one of them dies.
from what i know, if a jw dies, that's it.
Miss worldly, you would miss being worldly as a jw, but when this question is asked, I always refer to the male breast. it is a perfect example of structure without function and would illustrate what could happen to those resurrected . I never had any drive to nurse a baby. now, many couples are real soul mates, particularly later in life, but marriage , sex-based is particularly good for the kids. so, there is yet to have demonstrated to us any resurrection, talking snakes and any other wt ideas. so, until we will see any of these dysfunctional breasts above a non-navel, find more worthy subjects to pursue.
the new understanding
by heathen inhi guys , i know i was never a favorite here and haven't posted in awhile ... question .
what do you think of the new understanding of , " this generation " they seem to go in circles on this one big time , once 1914 generation was almost gone they said they didn't know what it meant and now in the new publication the generation includes the second generation after 1914 .... i agree they don't know what they are talking about and this is just another control move .
any comments ?.
and since pentecost christians are " transplanted into the KINGDOM OF THE SON--", not the one of 1914, colossians 1: 13.
The Anointed Class: Do They Have Spirits?
by Cold Steel ini realize that the anointed class inherits heaven while the great crowd inherits a renewed planet earth, but how and when are the anointed chosen?
are these people born with spirits or do they grow them as they live?
when they die, they don't sleep but go right to heaven, right?
they do not have spirits but souls, Rev. 20. if there is anything to organic eternal life, it would have to be transported to a better place, the earth is going to be gone in only 5 billion years. So: find another smaller and younger star with a goldilocks place and hunker down there.
Anionted mom says Jehovah may ask her to kill all her family!!
by Witness 007 inyes my holy anionted mom who has cancer is concerned that the loving god jehovah may ask her in heaven to destroy here non believer family including her 5 year old grandchild during messed up are these crazy people!!?
millie 210: "I am not doubting but I wonder if anyone has a link to where this got announced because I didnt know this!
Here is a reference from 2014: found it while browsing during the study: God's kingdom rules! book page 228, paragraph 16: " how does this gathering [ rapture]of the anointed remnant relate to -- armageddon--"--144 000 co rulers with Christ will receive authority to share with Jesus in wielding an iron rod of destruction against all enemies of God's Kingdom. -- sorry I cant link.
confirmed. the anointed generation will have passed away, when all these things occur.
Don't touch ark of covenant
by Chook ini raised an issue with a co once about an elders qualifications, he visited my house and in no uncertain terms said don't touch ark of covenant ( referring to elder as ark ) , i was gob smacked then he said to wife and i that if we pursued such an avenue we could be grieving gods holy spirit.
so ther you go elder are on par with god ..
Uzzah failed in his duties to inform David how the ark was to be moved. The fact that he thrust out his hand tells me there was a lot more going on
Yea, think of Bathsheba's husband, he tried to show David a thing or two about soldiers abstinence from sex while their unit is on duty, and see what happened to him.
Try to tell the Governing body where they are wrong, as they inevitably are,will prove to be, and see what will happen to you. Or show the glorious ones , aka local elders for that matter. They all believe in the badly sprung, inflexible cart,
Anionted mom says Jehovah may ask her to kill all her family!!
by Witness 007 inyes my holy anionted mom who has cancer is concerned that the loving god jehovah may ask her in heaven to destroy here non believer family including her 5 year old grandchild during messed up are these crazy people!!?
m210: "anyone has a link to where this got announced
The idea of anointed resurrected warriors is old , loosely based on Romans 16:20 "--will crush satan under your feet shortly--" shortling
That is the basis for having the anointed to die before Armageddon, to have them first in the heavenly fight, then get ready for the heavenly wedding.--- and in their haste to dream this up, wt writers overlooked the fact that jesus said that the generation would not pass away [to heaven] until all the predicted things occur. They did not in the -first-, first century fulfillment.
Anionted mom says Jehovah may ask her to kill all her family!!
by Witness 007 inyes my holy anionted mom who has cancer is concerned that the loving god jehovah may ask her in heaven to destroy here non believer family including her 5 year old grandchild during messed up are these crazy people!!?
Jesus, the anointed : "let the dead bury their dead" they were already dead in his eyes, and he taught his followers well. boanerges, sons of Thor?