"Clone" would be an inappropriate term, because in the case of cloning, the replica is just split off, not necessarily destroying the original. wt uses " died in the flesh, made alive in the spirit" as the repetition of Christ's alleged return to life for the anointed rapture now until the great tribulation.
JoinedPosts by prologos
Is it the original anointed person or their clone who will be in heaven?
by deegee inthe wt teaches that there's no part of a human being that survives the death of the body.
if the anointed do not have an immortal soul/ some immaterial part of them that survives death, then whoever will be in heaven won't be the original anointed person but their clone since once a person dies, according to wt theology, they cease to exist; so god will have to create a spirit body from nothing for that person and that created body by definition will therefore not be the original person but their clone.. so it will be a person's clone that will get to live forever in heaven and rule with christ, and not the original person.............one can now see why other religions teach the doctrine of the immortality of the soul..
Millions now living will never die (orginally "may" never die) was the WTS lying
by blondie inthis was first said in 1918 and adjusted to "will never die" in 1920. of course, the wts taught that the anointed had to die to go to heaven; but there was no great crowd teaching then, so they were talking about all non-anointed people on earth.
the wts members were known as bible students then and had been expecting the end in 1914 and it was adjusted.
one date that was stressed at that time was 1925. so i think they idea was that people living in 1918 would be alive to see the end in 1925, which of course did not happen.
not millions, (but ~ 600) that will never die, quote from a recent circuit assembly: assigned bethel speaker, referencing "writing committee outline" "-- people in the auditorium now will see the end of the generation and the beginning of Rev. 21:4 fulfillment, or words to that effect.
I finally tied the knot, or any advice for an old "sew-and-sew"?
by compound complex ini met up with many friends of 50-60 years over the last week.
these were friends from the neighborhood, school, and kh.
i renewed some really special attachments.
I thought you got hitched.(which should solve all your household needs and wants), so: We always wetted the end of the yarn to thread or loop the ends, to control the loose fibres.
Millions now living will never die (orginally "may" never die) was the WTS lying
by blondie inthis was first said in 1918 and adjusted to "will never die" in 1920. of course, the wts taught that the anointed had to die to go to heaven; but there was no great crowd teaching then, so they were talking about all non-anointed people on earth.
the wts members were known as bible students then and had been expecting the end in 1914 and it was adjusted.
one date that was stressed at that time was 1925. so i think they idea was that people living in 1918 would be alive to see the end in 1925, which of course did not happen.
David Splane " I'm a big fan of the "overlapping generations" business model myself"
yeah, and with many now endorsing the 115/120 year human life natural limit, that will get the overlapping old anointed groups well into the next century. "never die" past 2125. nice centennial.
Millions now living will never die (orginally "may" never die) was the WTS lying
by blondie inthis was first said in 1918 and adjusted to "will never die" in 1920. of course, the wts taught that the anointed had to die to go to heaven; but there was no great crowd teaching then, so they were talking about all non-anointed people on earth.
the wts members were known as bible students then and had been expecting the end in 1914 and it was adjusted.
one date that was stressed at that time was 1925. so i think they idea was that people living in 1918 would be alive to see the end in 1925, which of course did not happen.
S: "What is dead may never die!
The first version of a world wide series of talks given !918- 19 21 by Rurtherford. page 426 of the "JWs, Proclaimers of God's Kingdom" book.
Millions now living will never die (orginally "may" never die) was the WTS lying
by blondie inthis was first said in 1918 and adjusted to "will never die" in 1920. of course, the wts taught that the anointed had to die to go to heaven; but there was no great crowd teaching then, so they were talking about all non-anointed people on earth.
the wts members were known as bible students then and had been expecting the end in 1914 and it was adjusted.
one date that was stressed at that time was 1925. so i think they idea was that people living in 1918 would be alive to see the end in 1925, which of course did not happen.
good points to think about. was it not for 1925 that they promised the resurrection of the patriarchs to take leading positions in the "golden age" they thought to develop in the USA?an age that was concurrent with the anointed "going home" like R & R ?
Tied to the unprecedented 'really not dying' promise, is their vacillating about who would survive Armageddon, even he anointed heavenly class was thought of at one time to survive the end, * to administer the planting of paradise. Bible texts are ambiguous enough to allow for that through selective quoting. WT always took the organic life of individuals to be very literally eternal. -- playing to the survival instinct honed through millions of years of evolution.
*Now, the anointed will die before Armageddon, contradicting Jesus word that they would not pass away. both Jesus and the bible and wt contradict each other, no wonder, not having a common plan oe script. , and -- just analising, not buying into it any more.
Just curious - is apostasy grounds for divorce?
by LifesNotOver ini know only adultery is supposed to be grounds for "scriptural" divorce.
i'm a wicked apostate in their eyes, but my believing husband and i still can't get a divorce that would allow him to remarry.
we currently are separated - i have left him.
Grr T: "I'm not sure I really understand why folks feel the need to make sure their ex can remarry
or, some want to make sure their ex can not remarry.
only the innocent party can automatically remarry, according to wt. If the adulterer[ss] wants to stay a witness, they must obtain permission from the wronged ex to remarry. so:who wants to stay a witness and burn? but I have seen it, a handsome man waiting years for permission from his ex wife.
The Great October 2016 Invite to the Sunday Meeting campaign ...
by freddo inwell how's it going round your way?
massive increase of interested ones?
did you even know it was supposed to be happening?
sratchme110: "--n more people like a business mode
Yeah in this cong. it was the lowest Sunday attendance ever, and talking about "business" looked at study wt magazine August 2016 last page 32. look at the cart logo: " Geschaeftsstelle"-- no truer words =" Business location" in german. snare and a racket that is a business. Wt said it.
Women's Place In Jehovah's Arrangement
by TMS in"i do not permit a woman to teach or to exercize authority over a man, but to be in silence.
" these inspired words are frequently quoted to help define the role of women among jehovah's witnesses.
then eve.
WT actually favours females over males, young males, who, if not spiritually neutered, would represent real challenges to the control wt exercises. Think of it, a bright teenage boy will be delivering bible readings, with no comment for years, while perhaps debating Plato's ideas in high school, whereas a young female will at that time give talks, -oops- conversations from the platform, in effect teaching the congregation on matters of wt doctrines. The average wt female has more wt microphone time than the average male.
smiddy, if truth would be known, many female partakers would like nothing better than being male rulers rather than wt-defined females without facial hair. In effect yearning for the day of their golden years when they can shed their female disguise and ascend to their dream existence, the male one.
Women's Place In Jehovah's Arrangement
by TMS in"i do not permit a woman to teach or to exercize authority over a man, but to be in silence.
" these inspired words are frequently quoted to help define the role of women among jehovah's witnesses.
then eve.