Littletoe is someone I look up to, because as an elder he was giving the Sunday Public Talk when he stood up for himself, made his statement against the problems found within the Borganization, and DA himself from their ranks!
What's with Littletoe?
i should have done this when i left:.
during my last talk, give it real sarcastic.
perhaps talk about the un and really emphasize about how the wt says they are no part of it, then read excerpts of the un letter.
Littletoe is someone I look up to, because as an elder he was giving the Sunday Public Talk when he stood up for himself, made his statement against the problems found within the Borganization, and DA himself from their ranks!
What's with Littletoe?
is this video clip from randys site from a real watchtower video?
and if yes, does anyone have a source for a longer clip?
Well, that's what they are preaching, isn't it?
preliminary information on alvin hansen
backdrop: for a few years posts have popped up on the alvin hansen lawsuit against the watchtower society, alleging various charges against the watchtower society for stealing funds from their family trust, trumping up false charges to get alvin kidnapped and held for 52 months, false irs tax liens, and interference in his marriage to his wife, jacqueline.
there is even a web site which details this account at: .
Thank you, Amazing, for your post. For a moment I was happy, too.
i have often asked and tried to research this question, perhaps someone out there has been a member.what i mean is what is the wts?
how does someone become a member.
we once had a co who said he could say he represented the wts because he was a member, but we weren't.
WTS is a legal corporation for Jehovah's Witnesses
Wait a minute, then, is Catholic a corporation, too? Baptists? Mormons? I don't remember hearing them as "corporations". The word, "corporation", sounds like Enron Corporation and Anderson Corporation. You know what I mean.
Edited by - sunshineToo on 1 August 2002 15:37:1
this is to alert all folks in canada and the united states that a civil court case will be going to trial on september 8, 2002 in the greater toronto area.
again this case is a civil case and not a criminal case.
the case involves one vicki boer who now resides in eastern canada.
Thanks so much for the post, hawkaw!
Was Vicki's father found guilty of molestation at the court of law or did he confess to the elders? And is this the first Canadian silentlamb case so far?
a judicial committee formed in paterson, n.y. announced today.
that jesus christ has been disfellowshipped.. "he's been causing obvious divisions in the organization for.
Well, J.C., even though you've been rather inactive in JW's point of view, it seemed like Bro. Russell told everyone that you are a full-blown baptized JW for a big time, not to mention your pioneering life for about 3 years. Hey, if the big guy wants you to be an elder, they just have to give it to ya. And when they want you to be out, they can do that, too, no matter you are present or not.
I, too, have to say that I know how you feel. The first couple of weeks of my DA'd life was so depressing and sad, not because I missed the organization but because of feeling of being deceived and betrayed, not to mention all the grief that the "victims" were going through. I couldn't stop crying. I had to try hard not to show my tears to my clients. But when I came here or read news ( esp. about Mia and her DF'd father ), I just couldn't stop my tears. "Why are we doing this?" kept coming to my head. I felt so helpless.
I'm doing much better. Thanks to my boyfriend, my job, my other friends and family ( non-JWs), and my JW semi-friends and my mom who are not shunning me at this moment.
But still back of my head there is a doubt, "Will what the WTS are saying come true?" My brother ( non-JW ) said the other day that the Armageddon might come when no one is expecting it; like when multiple prophecies went wrong and when people don't believe it anymore. Maybe it's true. Will the WTS be saved for warning the entire mankind about God's judgment? If they will be, then I say that there is no justice in God. I am trying to keep my faith in God now. It's not easy because the WTS' teaching had been my only Christianity. I'm trying to take some time to reset my mind, and maybe later I'd visit various churches.
I just want the WTS to be legally and severly punished ( it'll be the best if they get to be shut down by the government, but I know that's my wishful thinking) so that there would be less JWs openly going door to door to convert innocent people to join their tarnished domain.
8-1-02, addition to 7-31-02 press release .
joe anderson-disfellowshipped!
jehovahs witness child advocate.
To date Erica has never been disfellowshipped.
WT atempted to intimidate her into silence with the threat of disfellowshipping but they have yet to follow through on it.
Interesting! And they DF'd Bill and the Andersons.
yesterday hubby and bigfloppyday and i spent the day up at lake huron at sauble beach.
i don't know if any of you have ever been there before or not , but it is a beautiful place, 14 km of sandy shore.
and the waves are so high at times its just the greatest beach of all, at least for me.
Wow, it is beautiful!!!!! :-O!!! I love the picture, Lucy. It looks so peaceful. |-)
Yeah, Scully, you're right. It'll be a great place to have an Apostofest BBQ!
please help me, i need your advice.. when i worked, i met a married guy who liked me.
he flirted me many times and what i did wrong was to follow his game, but i didn't allow anything between us, although i like him very much.
i quited to my job two months ago, because other reasons but i can't forget him.
When my hubby screwed around on me (no longer with him)I went after the chick and tried to kill her with my car.
Your opening a huge can of worms here.
How would you like if some chick went after your hubby? boyfriend?(if you had one)
maybe even killed!!
Whoa, Lucy, you are soooooo tough!!! ;-)
Well, Ardilla, my thought is the same as all these friends. Leave him. You don't want to destroy another woman's ( his wife's ) and innocent children's life, do you?