don't forget all the other terrible despots in history....Attila he hun etc etc.....
JoinedPosts by westiebilly11
No One Knows The Day or The Hour....
by bafh inso why is the wt obsessed with it?
i would much rather read articles on actually applying bible princples and have a real christ-like personality.
why don't they realize that how they fixate on "the end" is in direct conflict with that scripture?.
but by highlighting the end and Armageddon they maintain a grip over others by fear and spiritual intimidation......I remember someone telling me once that one hallmark of a scam is when phrases such as limited time/ final offer are used....
Why do the GB need a new Bethel compound if the end is so close? Here is the "official" answer
by sir82 inas most of us know, the society is spending 10's of millions of dollars on a giant, state of the art, secluded bunker country club headquarters in very remote, isolated warwick ny.. the question that "some" have is, why?
if armageddon is coming "very soon", why go to all that time & effort & expense?
why have thousands of jws dedicating their time to this massive effort instead of the "lifesaving ministry"?.
just love the presumptousness and arrogance that they believe that they will and deserve to be saved at the big A. .when they have been responsible for dishing out dodgy food and faulty lights......
All Apostasy Disfellowshippings Overturned?
by bytheirworks inso then, read the july 15th carefully:.
jesus warned about an evil slave who concludes in his heart that the master is delaying and who starts to beat his fellow slaves.
when the master arrives, said jesus, he will punish that evil slave with the greatest severity.jesus did not say he would appoint an evil slave.
How many Witnesses face judicial committees each year?
by slimboyfat ini wonder if there is any way to work out a rough figure for how many witnesses face judicial committees every year?
i guess one way would be to estimate what proportion of judicial committees result in disfellowshipping and multiply that by the official estimate from the watchtower that around 1% of jws are disfellowshipped every year.
can any elders give a rough idea what sort of proportion of judicial committees result in:.
when I was 'in' I knew of some who engaged in heavy drinking, gambling, lotteries, adultery, and pornography. I said nothing as I reckoned there was so much nepotism going on that a jc would prove a sham.....
7/15 WT- Insane, Far Fetched, Narcissistic "New Light " about the FDS
by flipper ini know this article has been discussed, re-hashed upside down in past threads.
but there were at least 2 points i discovered in here that i felt were pertinent and important to bring out concerning the total control and narcissistic tendencies that these wt leaders possess on the governing body, i.e.
alleged " faithful slave " .
good points made....recent articles and convention talks have finally convinced me that the wt organization is delusory and self appointed. they pick scriptures to back up their lies and trickery. is god answerable to them now?....won't be long !!
JWs Just Don't Want To Think....
by minimus inthey don't want to think about their past, present or future.. they ignore any obvious weakness in "the truth".. they won't question their leader's viewpoints.. they will follow what the governing body (the faithful & discreet slave) says even if they flipflop a hundred times.. it's embarrassing to see millions of people refuse to think.. the only silver lining is that many of us were just like the witnesses of today.
there is hope!.
they're definitely slaves and captives to a concept.....the concept that the gb are gods representatives.....and are accountable to no one.....wish more had courage to question doctrine policy. ...
Another Suicide
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite inthere wouldn't have been any good way to hear the news i suppose.
it's just so strange to recall the conversation yesterday.
my "still in" parents are with me and my inactive sister having a pleasant conversation.
so very sorry for you and those affected....x
WT destroying old literature
by startingover ini was approached by an elder about a year ago asking what i am going to do with my large collection of wt literature.
he told me the society had put word out that they were collecting old literature.
i asked him why but he couldn't give me a definite answer.
I saw this coming...and in past year or so I have collected most books from 1950 to the late 1990's.....of course they want it removed and consigned to the old light/black lightbulbs box....after 30 years a witness I have seen so much dodgy doctrine ...feel sorry for the younger ones still in the org who have absolutely no idea of past doctrinal dodging...
Jehovah's Witnesses calling us "mentally diseased" hits Danish media
by Amelia Ashton in
desperate men do and say desperate things. their vitriolic language and name calling only proves that the wt org is running scared because so called apostates are the ones with real new light....wt org best means of defence is now offense...and increasing use of offensive language....having read captives to a concept and crisis of conscience I ask myself how did I allow myself to become baptised and enmeshed with such a naked emperor .....