express doubts to a CO?'ll just end up having your cards marked..and elders on your safe...keep your doubts to yourself and leave....eventually...without rigmarole of jc etc etc...
JoinedPosts by westiebilly11
should I tell the CO my doubts?
by Captain Blithering inits possible i might be asked by the co to work with him today.
hes gonna want to know why i'm holding myself back.
i'm itching to tell him about my doubts (only about the new light, how i cant get my head around how the hs would direct us to believe falsehoods for decades, not about everything, that'd be suicide!
by SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker inhi, i am reading a book on mind control and one of the areas the author stresses group control is their constant revision of "new insight from god" or "we have a new message from god".
in keeping with the spirit of new light, 2014 is going to need a moral boost because one hundred years of lies needs a spin doctor of bethel size.
the poster with the close new light for 2014 will be showered with glory and much pomp.
suspect they will ease back on making any date predictions....and will probably issue more dvds etc aimed at their teens and younger ones who may be internet aware......
What % of householders would have a clue about the "life saving " message JW`s have brought to their doors these past 100 years.
by smiddy ini`m an optimist and i would say zilch .
i would bet you a million dollars ( if i had a million dollars ) that if you did a survey in the street that you live , asking the householders what is the life saving message jehovahs witnesses bring to your door on a regular basis , they would not have a clue.. and they have been preaching this message for over 100 years .
how inefective can they be .. the probable answers you would get are : they dont take blood transfusions.
I doubt whether anyone knows why jws engage in the 'ministry'...I know when I was 'in' I rarely was able to explain what I was doing calling on them...because their attention span was short and they were always pressed for essence they wanted to know what I was doing there within the first few seconds of my disturbing them....I usually used the mags to do the work for me so concentrated on placing them and saying' I'm sure you'll enjoy reading these very interesting magazines..' etc etc......what a waste of time!!!!!!!!.....and as for using the bible..well...that was a no-no here in the uk!!!!!
my disassociation letter
by unstopableravens indear elders at%^** congregation, november 1, 2013. .
as you know ive been a member of your congregation for many years.
throughout the last several years i have had the opportunity to get to know many of you personally and i can truly say i have love for all of you.
keep it short..they will just shutdown after few paragraphs...but still a good letter...
The murmuring phase is the beginning of an ex-JWs progression towards fading.
by Stand for Pure Worship ini suppose part of the fascination i have with this board is, the exotic nature of those making up the member population.
i say exotic because, as you yourselves will agree with, folks such as yourselves don't hang around the christian congregation for long upon making the decision that truth is not for you.
(rom 1:25) this "fading" thing spoken of here likely plays a role into why christians such as me find the average ex-jw to be a bit fascinating.
murmurers..? ones who dont take everything from the fds 'with a pinch of salt..'....I became a jw at far too young an age (emotionally/spiritually speaking).....I allowed my study conductor to commandeer my own rational thinking (god given?) abilities...I allowed the jw org to indoctrinate my mind and submerge my own questioning after 30 years + of constantly changing (under the banner of New Light') wt doctrines etc I now realize that 8 old men do not have a direct line to a 'creator'...they are fallible and make mistakes.but never admit so...their arrogance and unscriptural ostracism of those who are thinkers has shown me that I am better off out of it....I'm old enough to remember how Hitler/Goebbels etc controlled the masses to their detriment....the wt org has echoes of such control...I ask myself..where is the love that should be the driving force behind a true caring human being...?.......we do not need rules and more rules and more divisive doctrines .......many of us are not convinced of the wt the saying goes..' A man convinced against his will..remains unconvinced still'......
The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.
by THE GLADIATOR injanuary 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
yes things were much much worse many years much for 'critical times hard to deal with'....I write this as i sit in a comfortable armchair with a hot cup of tea nearby and enjoying a nature tv program..with my supper cooking in the kitchen........we have never 'had it so good' as someone once said......!
The 1914 generation is still going strong 100 years later - 2014 study article.
by THE GLADIATOR injanuary 2014 watchtower study article.
let your kingdom comebut when?.
this generation will not pass away.
..the arrogance...'we understand'...but they never explain how/why they understand.....very much the blind leading those who can see....this constant times of the end stuff is wearing thin......I've heard it all in the past...'living in the times of the end'...'deep in the time of the end'..'on the precipice of the end'.....soon to come'....'about to come'..etc etc etc....wish they would back up their castles in the air with real scriptural explanantion...but of course..they can't!!!
Today's WT study - WTS playing into Satan's hand?
by leaving_quietly inthe picture on page 26 of the 8/15/13 wt shows three scenarios with the caption "what scriptural principles should come to your mind under these circumstances.
" the scriptures are, of course, what's discussed throughout the article.
"the desire of the flesh", "the desire of the eyes" and "the showy display of one's means of life".
...a well cannot produce fresh water and salt water at same contradiction after another with of schizophrenic doctrines...
Watchtower admonitions against unofficial pro-JW websites
by Londo111 ina friend of mine asked, "do you recall a watchtower or km that said the jw's are not suppose to read, or post information in defense of the watchtower on their own personal website or anyone elses website?".
of course, there is the july 15, 2011 watchtower: what is involved in avoiding false teachers?
we do not receive them into our homes or greet them.
year or so ago we had talk telling us to only use/research the official site.....hence the simplification of websites...
Historical evidence for Christmas and Christs birthday
by DS211 ini just read this feom
there is a historical basis for the december 25th date of christs birth.
justin martyr (100-165 a.d.) wrote marcus aurelius that jesus was born at bethlehem as you can ascertain also from the registers of the taxing.
if jesus died at age of 33 and a half in april/march then......oct?...