T.R. I've never heard of them, but they sound good!!!!
Do like all kinds of music. Do you like Metallica? The drumer of that band is supposed to be a ex-j.w. and the song *Unforgivin* is supposed to be about him being disfellowed shipped. Have you ever heard that? Tink =;o)
we had quite a bit of wind here last night, and as i was up with the baby and couldn't sleep anyway, i was thinking back to when i was young.. living on the east coast, we got some of the mega storms that the southwest doesn't usually get, at least not with any regularity.. as a kid, everytime a vicious thunderstorm or violent electric storm started, i would wonder the unimaginable:.
Yeap, they use to scare the shit out of me! Looking back, it's ashame that that kind of fear was put in us! Sometimes I want to sue the Society for what they've done to me. Do you ever think of doing that!
Did you know that Helen is in Hawaii right now!!!! I'm so jealous!!!!
I feel like that Counting Crows song....Raining in Baltimore. Have you heard it music man? There's a line in it that say's, I need a sunburn! I love it! Thats what I need....a sunburn. Winter is passing and I've got cabin fever. A itch. Something. I get like this about once a year and gotta get out with my girlfriends and get wild! Maybe it's the springtime air or something!
where do you enjoy most - making love with one another, making that deep down, soul to soul shared connection?.
for me, if it were possible, it s/he would be out within nature, upon the woodland floor, with a few sleeping bags and cushions, amonst the leaf strewn woodland floor, at night with the moon overhead, owls calling, wow!!
the connection there i imagine would be pretty awesome, still never done it.. or on top of the cliffs, with the waves pounding below, sending ripples of vibration through the hillside above.. in stormy weather, on the beach, each place adding / sharing another shared perspective in our one soul love creating.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm if only.. peace, lots of it, kindness, joy and great friendships, music, wine and general jollity and boogeying it down.. love.
i am the poster formerly known as yoyomama...i had to use my name since simon keeps deleting any registration with "yoyo" in it.. i mentioned earlier that i've had a horrible day, this is why:.
my wife had a miscarriage over night.
we've been trying to conceive for over a year and we finally made it, but it has ended in a very disappointing way.... i did not think it would affect me as it did, but it did.. thanks billygoat for your interest.. peace to all, i promise no more outbursts (not even if i'm provoked).
When I was a j.w. we always use to call them *costume* parties, instead of Halloween parties!!!! *sigh*. But, anyway, I went as a little mouse. I wore a gray sweat suit and put a mouse trap on the back of my butt...took a black marker and drew me some wiskers on my cheeks and I was ready to go!!!! In fact, I think I still have a pic of that somewhere! lol