Don't these stories make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside! =;o)
I do try to keep my sense of humor. =:o)
I'm C.C. Riders wife, *who posted earlier* for those that don't know that.
This story brings back some old wounds. The straw for me was.....getting a phone call from a elder in the cong. that insisted that I meet with them and by not meeting with them, it showed that I didn't want to be a witness. I wish so much that I had taped the conversation. I had been hit with a terrible blow from my father's suicide and finding out that my mother *whom I hadn't seen in 13 years* was dying of breast cancer. It's a long story and I wont impose all the details to you. Everything was just too much for me to take at the time. I was sef medicating myself TOO much and was very very depressed. So I admitted myself in the hospital. I wanted help, I needed help. This was 1999. After the elders caught wind of this, it was their duty to help me also!!! I told them that I was in no condition to deal with a *elder's meeting*. It was only a few months after being release from the hospital. I was fragil, not to be whining, but on top of all this, I was learning from the net that the org. was a cult, nothing more but a org. that controled by control. That itself was a blow for me, by itself! My whole life had been a waste of time, a lie, so many things finally fell into place, so many pieces of the puzzly was being put together in my head. For once in my life, my head and my troubled soul was recieving *food at the proper time*, so too speak! =;o) But I just wanted time to myself, to sort through all these feelings. I was in counceling also *which the elders resented*, I could get *worldly* help, but I couldn't recieve help from them. The following Thursday night meeting, it was announced that hubby and I had dis-associated ourselves. My mother passed away a few months later *with the feelings of disapointment and fear of not seeing me in the *new order*. Most of my j.w. family didn't even speak to me, and the j.w.'s that did speak, kept it brief. Since then we've moved almost 2 hours away from everyone we know. Hubby is closer to work and we are happier than ever. We've come a long way. We try to live a quiet life and mind our own business. I could write more, but I'll stop. =:o)
This has been my soft place to fall for so long. I dont know what I'd do if I didn't have such a safe place to come and heal.
Tink =;o)