Running man, you hurt me on this on!
Too funny!
Luved it darlin!
Tink =;o)
well, i just got back from yet another summer ass-marathon.
seventeen hours of sitting in hockey arena seats that were made for three hour games, trying to stay awake, while not losing contact with my extremities.. needless to say, the program was dull and boring.
in fact, i'm not completely sure that they didnt just re-run last year's.
Running man, you hurt me on this on!
Too funny!
Luved it darlin!
Tink =;o)
my jw dad calls me every once in awhile and is very friendly.
i have even went to his house for dinner,went shopping with him and his wife.
then months go by and i call he is cold and i figure he doesn't want a relationship.
*Tink hugging Mommy1* Thanks Mommy1, and again, I'm sorry. *shaking head* =:o(
Spider, your story just made my heart hurt!!! I'm so sorry that you've had to go through the things that you have been through. So many things hit home. Now it's just my siblins and I. Our parents have passed. I have 2 j.w. brothers and 2 j.w. sisters and some non j.w. siblins. Large family! My j.w. siblins and I have had our problems, but we seemed to work them out. I was in contact with them a few weeks back, where I was helping care for a elderly uncle. Since then, our uncle has been moved to a nursing home. I haven't heard from any of them since, no email, nothing. I could email one of them and probably get a civil, non-personal, to the point, brief reply There is NO *Hey Girl, what'cha doing!!!!!!!!... kind of thing, it's to the point.
The way I'm beginning to look at it is.....I have other siblins that I don't hang out with either, for different reasons, but just the same, it's not healthy, I have a sister that is on drugs really bad. So too me, it's the same thing. It's not that I don't love them, I just think I need to move on. It's like you said Spider, what's the point, or was that Mommy1? I have a d.f.ed brother who is just out there! He dosen't have anything to do with any of us! It's like he said *Screw it, I'm outta here.*
A couple of years ago, hubby and I moved 2 hours away from everyone, we wanted to start over. We had been through so much, we had to distance ourselves. Being from a small town, it was hard to pull up to a light next to your sister and not even get a wave, ya know? My siblins and I have been through a lot. We lost our dad to suicide in 96 and 2 years later our mother to breast cancer. These are tough issues to discuss, I know, but this is the hand that I was delt, I'm just trying to do the best I can, and find some peace of mind, ya know. I've come a long way. Thanks for listening.
Tink =:o)
Me and Rascal will miss ya!!! Drop a email every now and then!
Tink =:o)
my jw dad calls me every once in awhile and is very friendly.
i have even went to his house for dinner,went shopping with him and his wife.
then months go by and i call he is cold and i figure he doesn't want a relationship.
Mommy1 I was wrong, and yes, I was rude. I'm sorry. I misread your post and went back and saw that I had read it wrong. Again, I'm very very sorry. *tucking my tail between my legs and walking away*
I'm sorry! K?
Tink =:o(
my jw dad calls me every once in awhile and is very friendly.
i have even went to his house for dinner,went shopping with him and his wife.
then months go by and i call he is cold and i figure he doesn't want a relationship.
Mommy1, you must be a hovah lover!!!!! yuck pue, yuck pue!
my jw dad calls me every once in awhile and is very friendly.
i have even went to his house for dinner,went shopping with him and his wife.
then months go by and i call he is cold and i figure he doesn't want a relationship.
That's so true Perfection Seeker! It can be tough when a parent is a j.w. and you're not! Also, I don't have any children, but I can see in the cases of my neices and newhews how them being a j.w. or not, effected their relationship with my j.w. mother. My mother loved her grandchildren, but she seemed to be more fond of the j.w. grandchildren! I could see how that hurt my brothers and sisters too....many times.
I think a lot of it has to do with each individually situation. To be honest, I think any relationship with a j.w. is toxic and it's up to the individual to determine what is healthy and what is unhealthy. I don't see my j.w. siblin's much. My parent's are deceased. I have non j.w.'s siblins that I associate with though. I also feel that my relationship with my j.w. mother was different than my relationships with my j.w. siblins. For some reason, I tolerated my mother's j.w. ways, but I don't have the same draw to my j.w. siblins. I love them, miss them at times, but for me it's so one-sided. AND as the day's turn to months and months turn to years, I am realizing that we don't even know each other anymore.
There isn't a situation where my j.w siblins and I can get together, hang out and let our guard down. * I D.A.ed in 99 * So now I'm beginning to think , why bother, ya know, it's not really going to go anywhere!!!
We have a uncle that is in poor health. I am asking myself, rather I'll attend his funeral when he passes. Isn't a funeral, a place, where you get love and support? I got that j.w. kind of love at my mother's funeral. I beginning to think, that's the kind of luv I can do without!!!
Ain't noth'in like that hovah kind of love!!!
Hang in there my friend, only you can decide what to do, but I hope our expierences will help ya in some way!
Tink =:o)
*Running to T.R. and grabbing him* NOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm not gonna let ya go!!!! You can't go!!!!
LOL Noidea, I hear ya!!! I can just see me and you running out to get a botton down skirt that that chick had on!!!! Gawd I miss those assembly dresses!!!!!
Tink =;o)
Oh, p.s. I started a post called Paul Taylor, Wayne Meadows, check it out, k?
T.R. Do you realize that we've known each other since you had your own message board? That's been YEARS! You've been my big brother, my mentor, my buddy, my friend!
You can't leave. =:o(
I realize that sometimes the boards can get on your nerves. I simple don't read the post that don't interest me! I've ran into some old friends here that I hadn't seen in years. I've met new one's, like you!
I also realize that it can be hard to find time to come here, and that we all need a break at times, I know I have! But don't stay gone for long, K?
You never know, maybe one of these day's, we'll all have enough money to where we can all meet up someday!
You can't get along with everyone here, you can't get to know everyone here, you can't read all the post here either. I couldn't if I wanted to! No one has the time for that. But for me, I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have this place sometimes! It has been my soft place to fall many times.
I would sure miss ya if you went away.
Tink =:o(
where are you guys!.
noidea and myself are having a small apostafest and we're trying to get ahold of some of our old ex-j.w.
Hey guys,
Here's a site to check out! I signed up for the Nashville group at T.G.Y. Fridays. How does that sound to ya!!!!
Tink =;o)