Well Notoneoftheboys,
I am sorry no-one told you. You gotta read the fine print with these big corporations hey. They make their contracts air tight and if you breach you have to pay the piper. Unfortunately in the information age the Satanic Internet is educating people before they sign so...today its vitally important to get children from as young as ten years old (or sometimes even younger) baptized as soon as possible. This is because:
1. There's less chance that someone might tell the prospective candidate of the possible negative aspects of their decision. Who wants to spoil a young child's fairy tale?
2. The prospective candidate e.g. child would most probably not even have the ability to understand the full implications of their decision and
3. Such a young candidate would probably not possess the mental faculties to ask deep probing questions about the implications of their life decision.
But its all good. Lock them into the system while they're young.