This is something I posted a few days ago and is how I view the world from an Agnostic point of view when we talk about God.
I must admit that my journey has brought me to a place that I never thought possible, a VOID. I have held faith in the spiritual world all my life and now I was finally able to pass to other side of the darkness. Many times darkness is associated with evil and yet roughly 70% of the universe is made of dark energy.
I’ve now stepped into the dark room. It seems empty at first but do not think this darkness is artificial vs. the light we think we enjoy as believers. I suspect it is natural and that true enlightenment can be obtained from this blackness. The one thing that bothers me is a sense of VOID or emptiness, but I find myself adjusting to this solitude.
Today I do not censor myself and I am inclined to read fascinating works from believers and nonbelievers. The big difference is that I’m reading this new material in a different light inside the darkness.