I have been reverse witnessing to a Witness at work who I told about my Witness wife. I think he thinks he is well on his way to make me a study but I have asked him to provide evidence that the WBRTS is what it claims to be by reference to how it was appointed and how the current GB came to inherit that authority. But one issue we ahd was the position of Jesus accordign to the WBTS and he said that he sits in Heaven at the right hand of Jehovah planning the future. So I asked him but wait a minute didn't he invisibly return in 1914? I still haven't received an answer. Anyone care to predict what he will say? It will be interesting to see whetehr you guys can anticipate how he will respond to this question. Any suggestions on how I respond to his likely response would also be helpful. Thanks Fraz
Where is Jesus according to the WBTS?
by Frazzled UBM 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Probably that Jesus came down to inspect in 1914 and now he is back in heaven directing his earthly ORG
I heard that JC sits down 'twice' in a talk once.
I think the first question is 'did Jesus exist in the first place?'
Frazzled UBM
Ah so he has a special elevator between heaven and earth - nice. But surely that is inconsistent with the word 'return'?
The invisible return is an odd phrase that doesn't quite fit the doctrine, it basically means Jesus was made king in Heaven in 1914, which might be where he tries to take the discussion.
I might point him to the end of Matthew where Jesus says he has been given all authority (past tense) and will be with his disciples till the end of the age (present tense) and ask what the difference between his presence and authority in the first century is as compared to 1914.
WT do teach that Jesus invisibly returned in 1914. The bible teach book, which I am sure you have somewhere at home has the calculations WT use to pinpoint the date, it's in the appendix under the heading "1914-A Significant Year in Bible Prophecy" on page 215.
The starting point was the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 BCE historians do not confirm this. Most historians state it was 586/7 BCE
This is a great place to Witness to him, and you can ask your wife too, maybe the penny will drop with her too.
Kate xx
Yes, the confusion is stemming from the fact that, according to the WT, Jesus' presence beginning in 1914 was heavenly. He has not yet returned to the earth (after all, Satan is still in control here); that "return" will be at Armageddon and during the Thousand Year Reign. For now, he's just directing things from heaven.
Frazzled UBM
Kate - I wouldn't try with my wife because she won't engage with me on doctrine, because I end up running rings around her and then the cognitive dissonance clicks in and she starts top melt down. I am beginning to think that she just stays in for social reasons ( freinds from home in the cong ehre and friedns and family back in the Philippines) so it doesn't amtter how obviously wrong the doctrine is she won't fade or DA. The guy at work though seems very eager to debate doctrine for now so I will see how that goes and I get to use all the ammunition I ahve built up buit can't usde on my wife. Fraz
Laika - thanks for your suggestion on asking 'so what?' for the invisible return in 1914.
I am beginning to think that she just stays in for social reasons-fraz
That's good if it's true, your son will be safe from an overzealous mother. The pull for social reasons is strong though, it still means she is in a cult.
All the best with 1914 with the workmate you can be his student for a while, you never know he might be ready to break free. Kate xx
Frazzled UBM
Apognophus - Is that what they always believed? Interesting he has come back with that answer so that does seem to be the party line. But is that really what they have always believed? How could Jesus have appointed the Bible Students/Watchtower as Jehovah's organisation from heaven?