Oh the pain of hearing this over and over and over again! My wife is the worst, when things are going well financially, good health, stability in the family, everyone is happy, then praise Jehovah! But when everything is going down south and everything seems to be just a cluster F*%* it is because we are doing something wrong and is making Jehovah saaaaaad…
The solution… pray more, preach more, show that you are a zealous witness, give more comments, study the WT, read the bible, don’t doubt in Jehovah and repeat cycle.
pray more, preach more, show that you are a zealous witness, give more comments, study the WT, read the bible, don’t doubt in Jehovah and repeat cycle. (Notice how none of this has anything to do with solving your problems)
Then when you get out of the woods, you finally find the job you needed, you pay off your debts, the medical treatment is working, and stability comes back into your life, PRAISE JEHOVAH! Repeat cycle…