Thanks for the update
JoinedPosts by suavojr
Update on: "I had a funny feeling"
by noontide ini dont know if anyone remembers this post, but i thought i would update you nonetheless.. . .
quick recap: i was consulting at a firm where the hr director turned out to be a jehovahs witness.
Hello JWN family!
by crazyhorse inhello jwn!
im a 22 yr active jw and i recently realized the truth about the truth.
im from an african country where most people dont think critically and just accept things as they are without questioning.
Welcome! This is the start of your journey to freedom if you are willing to pay the price.
In what KM or literature were JW's told to not put the WT logo on podium or buildings?
by Wasanelder Once inin the 80's it became a trend to put the wt logo on the front of the speakers podium where others put a cross.
i always hated that and spoke against it to the body of elders.
i shut up and it was put there anyway untill a km came down that said not to do it.
Thank you Blondie
Dark Matter's Latest Video - BRILLIANT
by cantleave in
I must say it is a great point that he brings up, power corrupts. I also enjoyed the way he changed the story.
Ministy School - Endless, without graduation - How could we?
by 4thgen inyesturday, i was talking to a friend and she said that in order to get a degree from a local college, they require a completed a public speaking course.
i said that was no problem, because i had been in a public speaking school for 40 years.
she looked at me like i had three heads.
Surpassing your instructors by learning to reason, as opposed to reciting the lesson, is haughtiness and apostasy.
That is so true! About a year ago I had to give the bible highlights on Romans chapters 1 to 3 during the CO visit. Boy did I get in trouble for explaining how Paul's letter to the Romans woke Martin Luther from his spiritual slumber and caused a fire and a headache for the corrupt Vatican.
He said to the BOE that we should go straight to the point, don’t explain and just talk about a highlight found in our publications. I wonder why?
I'm officially an apostate. Mentally Diseased.
by SuperBoy ini have published a blog, critical of jehovah's witnesses.
the name might be a bit of a clue that something's up.. .
I hope to see some good articles soon
Corpus Linguistics - Text Analysis of All Watchtower Publications since 1800's
by objectivetruth ini've been working on a side project for a while.
the goal of the project is to create a comprehensive database of all publications throughout history.
with this database i will be able to instantly find trends in text,sentiment of writing, methods used, and scriptures emphasized.. essentially i will be able to put a word like "apostate" into my tool, and instantly receive a report showing every time the word (or similar words) has been used in all publications since 1870.. i will also be able to create reports showing word density used in publications over time.. so i'll be able to see that the word "governing body" has increased in usage 25% year over year since 1975.. or i will be able to analyze the november 2014 wt and run an algorithm that helps to determine, what the tone and motive of the writing is.. the thing that i am most excited about is the ability to instantly find every occurence of a scripture in every publication.. this will be a great tool to find flip flops in doctrine as well as inaccuracies in biblical interpretation.. i will for sure publish all interesting findings here.. .
great work! marking
JWs vs. Jesus Christ
by R.F. inchoosing life made a statement in another thread saying that just mentioning jesus too much will get you a concerned look from other jws.
i thought "oh how true that is!
" the thing that is intriguing to me is the fact jws are so quick to state that they are the closest thing to first century christianity.
Food For Thought
by Yondaime inandre gide its is better to be hated for what you are than loved for what you are not.. the words of wisdom from the deceased french author echo through my mind every day, and they make me think, would the people in my congregation give me their unconditional love if i was not doing well in the congregation spiritually?.
spiritually as in giving well in the congregation, making nice comments, doing parts in the service meeting, reading during the book study on stage, working at the literature counter, and recently becoming a servant.. of the 20 or so young ones in the hall only me and 4 others are progressing spiritually.
ive seen the way brothers and sisters have treated those in the hall that arent progressing and dont take the truth seriously.
Wow Perry I never thought of that. So true and the bible does not say he had to give being an officer! Yodaime try to reconnect
"We Love You All Very Much"
by Apognophos ini'm not sure if this has been discussed before.
you guys might recall that when the 2013 yearbook came out, the letter from the governing body ended a bit unusually:.
we love you all very much.
Because the Governing Body is love. 1 John 4:8