Yes guys! There is 3 groups and two groups are one generation while the third group is just a new group.
JoinedPosts by suavojr
"This Generation" at the meeting today
by Batman89 init was really quite amusing 2day at the meeting when we got to the "this generation will not pass away" subheading in the wt.
the conductor spent very little time on the section and the comments that were given didnt at all make sense really.
you can tell its not understood by the majority of the friendsand will go over there heads, i was trying not to laugh lol.
"This Generation" at the meeting today
by Batman89 init was really quite amusing 2day at the meeting when we got to the "this generation will not pass away" subheading in the wt.
the conductor spent very little time on the section and the comments that were given didnt at all make sense really.
you can tell its not understood by the majority of the friendsand will go over there heads, i was trying not to laugh lol.
How many generations do you see in these pictures?
The overlapping generation doctrine means these people are all part of one generation
"This Generation" at the meeting today
by Batman89 init was really quite amusing 2day at the meeting when we got to the "this generation will not pass away" subheading in the wt.
the conductor spent very little time on the section and the comments that were given didnt at all make sense really.
you can tell its not understood by the majority of the friendsand will go over there heads, i was trying not to laugh lol.
Same here and only 3 people raised their hands to comment. When the elder tried to explain it, he stumble many times and just sounded stupid.
APRIL= MEMORIAL = Time to review the "Mystery Doctrine" secrets
by Terry inapril is memorial month, and a great time to learn about the watch tower mystery doctrine.. .
several former members of the wts have written about a secret teaching called the "mystery doctrine" about the anointed as the christ.. this doctrine, which has never been discussed publically since the death of jf rutherford, but which, equally, has not been repudiated either, teaches that the word "christ" refers to a person, the one we know as jesus, but the expression "the christ" has been invested with a separate, deeper meaning.
it refers to the "christ class" those making up the 144,000 plus jesus .. writing in his book, "apocalypse delayed" penton tells us:.
Nice to get a refresher on this doctrine. Funny how you can only find out when you read from apostates using their own literature
by suavojr indatadog just mentioned this on his thread about the special ass day.
so just don't forget that for this year's rc they are going deep inside........ they are going to tell us how we all are just a long and same generation and therefore we cannot determine how close the end is by observing the lifespan of humans.. but do not worry, we have the signs!!
the signs of the end.... .
DataDog just mentioned this on his thread about the special ass day. So just don't forget that for this year's RC they are going deep inside........ They are going to tell us how we all are just a LONG AND SAME GENERATION and therefore we cannot determine how close the end is by observing the lifespan of humans.
But do not worry, we have the signs!! The signs of the end....
OMG!!! Special Ass Day was so Watchtarded!!!!
by DATA-DOG ini have to go to bed, but i will post some highlights asap... so watchtarded.... .
Whel brother Mack is a good speaker but a true company man. What do you mean by vicky the porn star??
What is definition of a true friend, once outside the cult?
by suavojr inafter leaving the cult of jw's or waking up to ttatt, it is a struggle to trust people again.
i am personally starting from scratch although i am still in.
each moment i spend with my current jw friends, i know they are all smiles and loving towards me because of my good status with the wt.. outside a cult you still find fake people and it is also a struggle to find true friends and it is even worst when we've been hit hard from people we used to trust and care for.. .
Lol Terry. Funny and true
What is definition of a true friend, once outside the cult?
by suavojr inafter leaving the cult of jw's or waking up to ttatt, it is a struggle to trust people again.
i am personally starting from scratch although i am still in.
each moment i spend with my current jw friends, i know they are all smiles and loving towards me because of my good status with the wt.. outside a cult you still find fake people and it is also a struggle to find true friends and it is even worst when we've been hit hard from people we used to trust and care for.. .
Oh this is nice! Now the FDS is answering my question, lol
ON December 25, 2010, a 42-year-old woman in Britain posted a suicide note on a well-known social networking site. Her message sounded like a desperate plea for attention. Although the woman had more than a thousand social network “friends” online, not one came to her aid. The police found her body a day later. She had taken a fatal overdose. (I wonder how many JW's have died this same way)
Today, modern technology allows us to make hundreds, or even thousands, of social network “friends” by merely adding their names to our list of computer contacts. And when we wish to end one of these “friendships,” we simply delete that person’s name from our list. (sound familiar EX-JW's) However, the tragic incident involving the woman in Britain underscores a startling reality—true friendship still eludes many. In fact, one recent survey revealed that although we are socializing more, the number of our truly close friends has decreased.
Like most people, you probably agree that good friends are important. You may also recognize that there is more to being a friend than simply clicking links on a computer screen or a smartphone. What do you look for in a friend? How can you be a good friend? What does it take to forge a lasting friendship?
Consider the following four guiding principles, and note how the Bible’s practical advice can help you to be the kind of person others would want as a friend.
1. Show That You Really Care
True friendship involves commitment. In other words, a good friend feels a responsibility toward you, and he really cares about you. Of course, such commitment is two-way, and it requires hard work and sacrifice on both sides. But the rewards are worth the effort. Ask yourself, ‘Am I willing to give of myself, my time, and my resources for my friend?’ Remember, to have a good friend, you first need to be a good friend.
Irene: “Like cultivating a beautiful garden, building a friendship requires a lot of time and care. Start by wanting to be a good friend yourself. Be generous in showing affection and personal interest. And be willing to sacrifice your time when you are needed.”
Luis Alfonso: “Modern-day society encourages egotism rather than altruism. So it means a lot when someone takes a sincere interest in you without necessarily expecting anything in return.”
“Just as you want men to do to you, do the same way to them. Practice giving, and people will give to you.” (Luke 6:31, 38) Here Jesus recommends true unselfishness and generosity. Such generosity nurtures good friendships. If you expend yourself in behalf of your friends without expecting anything in return, they will naturally feel drawn to you.
2. Be a Good Communicator
A true friendship cannot flourish without regular communication. So talk together about the interests you share. Listen to what your friend has to say, and respect his opinions.(I love this part, respect his opinions. But if they think different from the WT then they are mentally sick) Whenever possible, commend and encourage him. At times, a friend may need advice or even correction, and that may not always be easy to give. However, a loyal friend will have the courage to point out a serious fault and offer tactful guidance.
Juan: “A true friend should be able to express his opinions freely but not get upset if you don’t agree.” (Great statement but this is only words within the WT)
Eunice: “What I value most are friends who are willing to spend time with me and listen to me, especially when I have problems.”
Silvina: “True friends will tell you the truth—even if they know it will hurt—because they have your best interests at heart.”
“Everyone must be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger.”(James 1:19) Good friends always appreciate a listening ear. Monopolizing the conversation, however, conveys the message that we feel our opinions are more important than theirs. So be attentive when a friend wishes to share his innermost thoughts and concerns. And do not get offended if he is honest with you. “The wounds inflicted by a friend are faithful,” says Proverbs 27:6.
3. Have Realistic Expectations
The closer we get to a friend, the more likely we are to see his flaws. Our friends are not perfect, but neither are we. Therefore, we should never expect or demand perfection from the people we befriend. Rather, it is good to cherish their virtues and to make allowances for their mistakes.
Samuel: “We often have higher expectations of others than we have of ourselves. If we recognize our own mistakes and our own need for forgiveness, then we’re more willing to forgive others.”
Daniel: “Accept the fact that your friends will make mistakes. When problems arise, we do well to resolve them quickly and try hard to forget.”
Are you willing to forgive?—Colossians 3:13, 14
“We all stumble many times. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able to bridle also his whole body.” (James 3:2) Recognizing this simple truth can help us to be understanding toward our friends. That, in turn, will allow us to overlook minor faults and shortcomings that may irritate us. The Bible says: “Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. . . . But besides all these things, clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union.”—Colossians 3:13, 14.
4. Widen Your Circle of Friends
True, we need to be selective about the people we befriend. But that does not mean narrowing our choice of friends to those of a certain age or upbringing. Taking an interest in people of all ages, cultural backgrounds, and nationalities can truly enrich our lives.
Unai: “Making friends with only those who are your age and have the same tastes as you is like wearing clothing in your favorite color all the time. No matter how much you like that color, at some point you may end up getting bored with it.”
Funke: “Widening my circle of friends has given me the opportunity to mature as a person. I’ve learned to get along with people of all ages and backgrounds, and that has made me more outgoing and adaptable. And my friends really appreciate that.”
“So in response—I speak as to my children—you too open your hearts wide.” (2 Corinthians 6:13) The Bible encourages us to reach out to people of all kinds. This inclusive, impartial view of friendship can add variety to your life, as well as endear you to others.
I would like to apologize.
by ThomasCovenant in'i would like to apologize'.
'i need to apologize'.
'i must apologize'.
Jesus had to die? Really?
by punkofnice ini admit i no longer believe in god and holy books.. thinking of the made up 'universal sovereignty' thing, surely if god existed in the way the holy books describe him then he could have thought of something better than humankind suffering thousands of years and the slaughter of jesus?.
couldn't god have said: 'well, satan is a very naughty boy but you all know how great i am so we can end it now.
i will lovingly kill satan and his mates and that's that.
Here we go again... Band on the run, Why did Jesus have to die for me? How does xtian mainstream define and explain this?