Real good stuff!
JoinedPosts by suavojr
Barb Anderson relates amazing info about Knorr, also Senior Bethel Writers
by Dogpatch in"is it possible that many of the organizational sexual policies began when (in the late 70s early 80s?
) some of the people at bethel and even some of the gb were found out to be visiting gay bars?
i did hear about some bethelites visiting gay bars or engaging in homosexual acts in the late 70s and early 80s and were asked to leave bethel.
Please contact me if you're in the US and between 18 and 40 and want to be on TV telling your story.
by AndersonsInfo incontact me through my website at:
thank you,.
Just wow What a horrible experience. Thanks Barbara for all you do
If you thought Tony Moris the Third was extreme, wait till you hear this other GB member!
by Island Man in
This talk is a gem! You now see why they don't want people recording talks and posting it online. If I get my wife to hear this she would just flip out. I will let yoy guys know how it goes...
Index of my Watchtower Doctrine Threads
by cofty ini just wanted to put links to my watchtower threads all in the same place for my own benefit and future reference.. i wrote these 4 articles almost 20 years ago just after i left the watchtower and before i had encountered any ex-jw books or websites.
they were all based on original research of old wt publications and the nwt bible.. my explanation of why they got it wrong about blood using only the nwt.... i still think this line of reasoning is devastating to the blood doctrine.
i have yet to hear a rational response.. the gospel contrasted with the watchtower doctrine of the ransom.... i wrote this when i was an uber-evangelical.
Nice, I have read 3 out of the 4. I will definitely enjoy reading the one talking about the ramson.
Thanks cofty
If END is Imminent, Why Witness in Silence in Public Places?
by ProfCNJ inwe were taught for 100 years that the end or armageddon is imminent, as if it is coming in a hurry.
but look now at the new way of sharing god's kingdom in uk which i find as a complete irony.
"thousands have switched tactics to stand on street corners in more than a dozen cities across britain - and unusually for public preachers, they are staying almost completely silent... unlike other evangelical preachers, they do not shout or call attention to themselves - instead standing in near-silence until someone approaches them."
JW's are not allowed to display the bible how contradictory
Testimony card returns
by sir82 inold timers, or careful readers of the proclaimers book, are familiar with the "testimony card" used in the early days of rutherford-era door to door witnessing.
the jw would traipse up to a house, knock, hand the card over to the householder, and wait while he read it.. well, it seems that "everything old is new again".
here is an excerpt from a recent boe letter:.
Lol these are like the card you find in public bathrooms from fundis warning us of hell!
If END is Imminent, Why Witness in Silence in Public Places?
by ProfCNJ inwe were taught for 100 years that the end or armageddon is imminent, as if it is coming in a hurry.
but look now at the new way of sharing god's kingdom in uk which i find as a complete irony.
"thousands have switched tactics to stand on street corners in more than a dozen cities across britain - and unusually for public preachers, they are staying almost completely silent... unlike other evangelical preachers, they do not shout or call attention to themselves - instead standing in near-silence until someone approaches them."
Easy... the COBE told us the answer to that one from the platform a few weeks ago.
It is because when people walk by and look at the JW's and the literature, Jehovah is analyzing their hearts and determining if they are worthy of salvation during Armageddon.
I'm sitting here listening to a JW try to recruit somebody
by Terry ini'm at starbucks .
just outside in the courtyard.. i'm trembling.
my hands are shaking.. wow!.
You did what you had to do and could do, if he decides to go back, then it is his fault and not yours. But I know that conversations like these stay with us for a long time and it keeps building up. Unfortunately some people never get to see the rage that (formerly the WT) shows towards innocent people.
Speculation Fall AGM
by Poztate ina lot of comments have been made about possible big changes at the agm in the fall.. comments range from changes to the blood doctrine or who compose the one hundred and forty four thousand.. my speculation is.... (and if someone else had this kind of thread i am not stealing from you..just never read it).
the door to door as we know it will cease to exist.
the publishing of a monthly public wt and awake will end.. instead each month a tract with different subjects and a redirect to will come out.
They are to invested in the image of door to door. The WT study for today was emphasizing how you have to be discreet and courteous while going door to door. Also, why eliminate this method when it is free advertisement and helps with the idea of Armageddon hitting any time.
I can see them having just one magazine for the public and possibly changing the name. They can keep the WT study edition and print several months of special tracts to direct the people to the best website in the world! "JW.ORG"
The blood doctrine is staying and the 144,000. Every change they have made is because they have been been forced to make them. Right now the blood issue and the 144,000 is quiet subject, I don't know of any outside force that will cause them to change this as of right now.
My frist email letter from my JW Dad. So sad...
by suavojr ini am in my early 30s and woke up to ttatt in late 2012. my dad just turned 65 in june!
wow, i never saw that being possible.. .
he just got himself a computer and was able to get internet in a remote location where he is serving as an elder with my mom (where the need is great) i was happy to see how he was able to send me a few notes saying hi and i was able to share some pictures of my wife and family, etc.. .
Thank you all for your great comments and for your words of encourangemet. I do have hope that my parents can wake up to reality but it is really not up to me. A little background about me, I am still in and slowy trying to let go of my responsibilites inside the congreation. I know… I can just stand up and leave, but I don’t want to do it that way. My family deserves an explanation and the day will come when I wil sit down and tell it how it is.
Right now my first step is to drop the pioneer title, next will be to decline the elder’s appointment that is coming next month and later talk with my wife about how I trully feel and if I have to lose her, so be it!
I know that I will be shunned and marked as an evil person but it is either that or live a lie for the rest of my life. I am not going to make that mistake.