I was kind of wondering whether the door-to-door work was going to be eliminated or at least minimized, myself. I was thinking maybe they're trying to become more mainstream and they think they might be able to attract more followers if they eliminate the door-to-door stuff. However, my wife went to all three days of the convention, and she said that a GB member mentioned the work with the carts and other forms of witnessing and said the door-to-door work is still our main form of witnessing.
I'm not so sure about the blood issue. I really think they'd love to eliminate it, but they can't because they've preached it for so long and people have died for it. I think they wish they had never started it. The current situation just absolutely does not make sense. How can it be that blood is sacred, should be poured on the ground when removed from the body, and is not to be transfused, yet it can be sent to some facility where it will be fractionated and then any and all fractions can be transfused? It's inconsistent and it doesn't make sense.
Maybe that will be the change??? Maybe they'll word it something like "Since taking all fractions of blood is already a conscience matter, the Governing Body has determined that from now on it would be more consistent for the individual to prayerfully and scripturally decide whether he would accept a transfusion of whole blood or primary components. We trust that all will view this issue seriously and remember that many our dear brothers and sisters have been willing to die over this issue in the past. It is not a matter to be treated lightly." If they do it, they will word it in a way to try to defuse any potential objections. For example, they will mention the fact that many have died over the issue so if somebody says "but a lot of people died over that issue", they can say "we acknowledged that already". Their ackknowledging it does not remove the argument, but most JWs don't have the mental machinery to recognize that.
I, too, foresee a possible change in the mags.