Lou Belle: I was hoping that you were going to answer... :-) Happy Easter to you! I have been to South Africa once, it was a wonderful country, we stayed at the Limpopo province close to Botswana, but visitied Pretoria and Johannesburg as well.
JoinedPosts by InquiryMan
Questions on South Africa
by InquiryMan ini need to verify certain information given in the yearbook of 2007 on the report of south africa.. 1. there were times, even during the apartheid period, that black brothers lived at bethel, although in separate housing due to the laws of apartheid.. 2. the dining hall at bethel had non-transparent windows in orderr that all the staff could eat together regardless of race.
originally the windows were normal, but were changed to non-opaque so that they could eat together without being caught violating race laws.. 3. in 1992 the first kingdom hall was built in soweto.
white witnesses came in order to help building this as well as several other halls.. .
Questions on South Africa
by InquiryMan ini need to verify certain information given in the yearbook of 2007 on the report of south africa.. 1. there were times, even during the apartheid period, that black brothers lived at bethel, although in separate housing due to the laws of apartheid.. 2. the dining hall at bethel had non-transparent windows in orderr that all the staff could eat together regardless of race.
originally the windows were normal, but were changed to non-opaque so that they could eat together without being caught violating race laws.. 3. in 1992 the first kingdom hall was built in soweto.
white witnesses came in order to help building this as well as several other halls.. .
Thanks a lot for your information. It seems that for some ex-witnesses, even factual information is hard to accept due to an ingrained scepticism to all information published by the Watchtower society... However, I do discern between doctrinal and "propaganda" statements and more sober accounts....
Questions on South Africa
by InquiryMan ini need to verify certain information given in the yearbook of 2007 on the report of south africa.. 1. there were times, even during the apartheid period, that black brothers lived at bethel, although in separate housing due to the laws of apartheid.. 2. the dining hall at bethel had non-transparent windows in orderr that all the staff could eat together regardless of race.
originally the windows were normal, but were changed to non-opaque so that they could eat together without being caught violating race laws.. 3. in 1992 the first kingdom hall was built in soweto.
white witnesses came in order to help building this as well as several other halls.. .
I need to verify certain information given in the yearbook of 2007 on the report of South Africa.
1. There were times, even during the apartheid period, that black brothers lived at Bethel, although in separate housing due to the laws of apartheid.
2. The dining hall at Bethel had non-transparent windows in orderr that all the staff could eat together regardless of race. Originally the windows were normal, but were changed to non-opaque so that they could eat together without being caught violating race laws.
3. In 1992 the first kingdom hall was built in Soweto. White witnesses came in order to help building this as well as several other halls.
2013 Yearbook of JWs - Weird Cover Photo!
by 00DAD inok, can someone please tell me, what in the world do these women have on their faces???.
i couldn't find that it said where this was taken, but i'm guessing it's in myanmar as that is the featured country in the yearbook.
for context, here's a scan of the entire cover:.
Please keep in mind that the majority of JWs are in fact non-Americans, thus having somewhat other customs, although the religion itself is heavly influenced by America in different ways...
What's you BIGGEST pet peeve/disagreement with the WT or GB?!?
by TeenageInsider infor me its the district conventions.
not bragging in anyway, but i was born-into a family of 'higher ups' im talking co's and zo's..... and there is a room that they set up in the conventions/stadiums called the "chairmans office".
i always have access to these rooms, because im usually with one of my higher up family members who give talks and all that other crap.. anyways, while everyone in the convention is sitting in the sun, eating a slimy, soggy bolognia sandwich, the chairmans office is air conditioned, has a variety of chilled beverages, 'coke, pepsi, diet coke, gatorade, dasani water bottles,' not to mention the 'danishes, sandwich triangles, cookies, cakes, muffins, fresh coffee, and for lunch, pizza, salads, pastas, and lasagna'.
1 shunning policy
2 blood ban
Did You Give Much $$$ To The Kingdom Hall And/Or Watchtower Society?
by minimus ini typically gave $$$ to the local kh and seldom gave donations to the society.. i always am amazed how some church going people have very little materially, yet make sure the church and the pastors are well taken care of..
I was of course a regular contributor since I started earning my own money. Always contributed the value of the literature I took. When we built a new assembly hall we gave in the 1000s although that was a major part of our savings. However the past five years as an elder/JW i stopped contributing. A silent protest.
My friend's conversation with a JW about me! Lol!
by TimothyT inone of my old friends from work, who i used to have lots of spiritual conversations with, messaged me on facebook before and told me how he had a call from the jws this morning.
here is our conversation from facebook when he told me what happened:.
my friend: any way funny thing today, some jehovos came to me door and we were having a chat and i told them i didnt agree with their religion saying i was biased because i had a friend who used to be one and was kicked out for being gay and how could they preach like love etc and be so discriminative and then said they would know you mentioned your name and he did know you, and has even been on holiday with you in the past.
You can love them in the agape, storge and philia way :)
Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body for Peace Prize 2013!- "Over 100 years in the service of peace."
by Most Noble inthe current members of the governing body and their predecessors have for over one hundred years contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, theodemocracy and human rights in more than 200 countries... on this account, the norwegian nobel committee has decided to nominate the governing body of jehovah's witnesses in 2013 for the nobel peace price.
read more here.
http://nobelpeaceprize.org/ .
It is perfectly acceptable to show some discernment before one jumps to conclusions :-)
Ex JW support group gets ad on national tv
by InquiryMan inon 25th of december various volunteer organizations get to broadcast free infoads.
the main commercial tv station, tv2, will broadcast this ad:.
Actually it has been ranked as the number 1 country to live in a number surveys.
Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body for Peace Prize 2013!- "Over 100 years in the service of peace."
by Most Noble inthe current members of the governing body and their predecessors have for over one hundred years contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, theodemocracy and human rights in more than 200 countries... on this account, the norwegian nobel committee has decided to nominate the governing body of jehovah's witnesses in 2013 for the nobel peace price.
read more here.
http://nobelpeaceprize.org/ .
Did not see anything on the link/web site that substantiated the claim that the GB have been nominated for the Peace Prize...