Although I think your comments are pure B.S. with a capital BULLSHIT, I'm rethinking my stance on this issue.
My take on the situation is that Saddam should be taken out pronto. The oil issue is just a red herring. Even without WMD, Saddam needs to be gone, do you agree or not, Realist?
Having said that, since most of the middle east and Europe are against the war, I think the U.S. should withdraw from war preparations and just concentrate on Al-Queda, Bin Laden, etc. Saddam's people will continue to suffer from his murderous brutality, but oh well. Since Saddam cannot strike U.S. soil with his military, the U.S. is not in imminant danger from him, barring terrorist attacks, etc. The U.S. should concentrate more on protecting it's borders.
Either things will shape up in the middle east or not. If Saddam decides to create more problems over there, let the Euros handle it. If they ask for military assistance, I say F*CK OFF, you had your chance and you blew it.