For those of you who don't understand, here are some Celebrities to explain as only they can:
JoinedPosts by frozen2018
“White Privilege”
by minimus inlately that’s all i’ve been hearing about!
i’m sick and tired of listening to white people begging for forgiveness simply because they are white.
in a nearby town, a six year old girl asked her mom, “ why don’t we have a black lives matter march here?
Would You Like To See Your Police Departments “Defunded”?
by minimus indo you think it’s a good idea?.
I live just a couple of hours from the Twin Cities and have spent lots of time down there. It really is (was) a nice part of the state. What I don't quite get is the fact that the Twin Cities have pretty much been run by lefties for the last 50-60 years. Those lefties built the Minneapolis Police Department. Whatever "evil" MPD is didn't happen overnight, it took years, no, decades to evolve. And now the politicians down there are SHOCKED! SHOCKED!! at the idea that their police department is filled with, apparently, homicidal maniacs. I don't have a problem with reforming any police department. I do find it troubling that the very same group that created the alleged problem Department now claim to have the solutions to fix it. I'm starting to think that the whole defund the police movement is just a means to some sort of end.
Quick side note to folks who don't think police departments should spend money on military type equipment. The PD doesn't spend money on the gear, the Department of Defense gives it away through the 1033 Program. A neighboring town got themselves a surplus MRAP for their war on drugs (drug enforcement is a plus in the 1033 Program). The thing is so big and clumsy it is rarely taken out of the garage. On top of that, it weighs so much that when it is used it damages the roads! But it was free.
Meet George Floyd
by cofty inhis murder was a crime and justice must be done, but it's sobering to learn more about the man who is being lionised by millions.
thanks as always to the courageous candace owens.. ....
I like to think someone in the family had the foresight to Trade Mark the name George Floyd and everything else associated with the name George Floyd.
In 2020 In Your Country or State Are Race Relations Better or Worse Than Before?
by minimus inarchie bunker from all in the family was considered by many as a racist.
there are still many people who think and act like him.
of course, in today’s world, there are many extremes.
This is what an actual execution by cop looks like:
In 2020 In Your Country or State Are Race Relations Better or Worse Than Before?
by minimus inarchie bunker from all in the family was considered by many as a racist.
there are still many people who think and act like him.
of course, in today’s world, there are many extremes.
Two of the four officers in the killing of George Floyd were not white. Tou Thao is Hmong. The other two officers have been named. They are Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng. Pictured below is either Lane or Kueng with George Floyd during the incident:
Maybe the officer in the picture is white. Can't be 100% sure. In the end it doesn't really matter. All four cops are responsible for the death of a person in their custody.
In 2020 In Your Country or State Are Race Relations Better or Worse Than Before?
by minimus inarchie bunker from all in the family was considered by many as a racist.
there are still many people who think and act like him.
of course, in today’s world, there are many extremes.
In my state probably worse. A black suspect in handcuffs dying after a LEO cut off his airway by kneeling on the back of the suspect's neck for three minutes isn't going to help things. There will be protests, justifiable in my view, all across the state. There have been several incidents in my state where people of color have died at the hands of the police in the last few years. To be fair, there was the one incident where a white woman was shot by a black officer. Maybe it indicates a problem of over aggressive policing more than a race problem.
My neighbors might think I'm a racist. They are black and I'm white and I called the police on them last night. I didn't like the fact that they decided it was a good idea to shoot off fireworks in front of my house after 10 pm. Truth is, I don't like inconsiderate a-holes regardless race.
Joe Biden says YOU AIN’T BLACK If Blacks Don’t Vote For Him Over Trump
by minimus inin his interview with charlamagne tha god , he said just that.
you cannot make this stuff up..
If you are black and don't vote democrat you are not black, you are uppity. Just ask Clarence Thomas.
Waco Mini-Series on Netflix. Powerful and Scary.
by Simon inso we binge-watched the waco mini-series on netflix.. wow, what a powerful and enlightening programme!
even if you think you know what happened, it gives you extra context to it all.
it's very well done even if you just want a great drama series, but it's way more than that.. there are of course some dramatization and slight historical inaccuracies for the purpose of story-telling but it was very informative.
The only characters in this story that are morally repugnant are the ATF, the FBI, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the White House. Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied about a blow-job. He should have been impeached for the murders in Waco.
Waco Mini-Series on Netflix. Powerful and Scary.
by Simon inso we binge-watched the waco mini-series on netflix.. wow, what a powerful and enlightening programme!
even if you think you know what happened, it gives you extra context to it all.
it's very well done even if you just want a great drama series, but it's way more than that.. there are of course some dramatization and slight historical inaccuracies for the purpose of story-telling but it was very informative.
When the Waco tragedy occurred I was working in a remote, completely off the grid area of the planet. My co-workers and I had no real information as to what was happening in the States. We had snippets of news that made no sense. I got back to civilization a couple months after the fire. I remember watching videos of what looked like heavily armed soldiers, the tanks attacking the building, the fire starting, and the final inferno. I wondered what could possibly justify this reaction from my government and what the hell happened to my country. It was surreal.
I too watched the Waco series and thought it was quite good. Another good title is "Waco: Rules of Engagement" a 2 hour documentary that was nominated for an Academy Award. Too me, this is one of saddest and infuriating documentaries I have ever watched. The sickest part is watching the Senate hearings looking into the matter and how the government spun and spun and spun itself to absolve the government of any guilt. I rewatched part of the movie today. It's striking how many politicians who were part of the Waco hearings are still in Washington which by itself is a sad comment on the US government. Don't these a-holes ever go away?
Here's the link if you're interested:
Nothing could flatten her curves! LOL!