When âŚ.
- You need to be 15 to obtain your drivers permit
- You need to be 16 to obtain your drivers license
- You need to be 17 to watch a R rated movie (alone without a parent)
- You need to be 18 before being considered an adult
- You need to be 21 before being able to legally drink alcohol
- You need to be 25 to rent a car
*Note - these ages apply to the United States, and even some states may differ, but it applies to my area. Please donât nitpick, I just want the point to come across.
Besides these things, the Society encourages everyone to wait till theyâre past the bloom of youth before marrying. As we all know, most get married at 18 or shortly after because they are horny AF. The literature will say the person at 18 has no clue what they want, that they are still getting to know themselves and it is a long process. Yet they will trust a 8 year old when he/she says they love Jehovah and this is the vow they want to commit to! How is that even possible? How did all these millions of people get sucked in and believe this is the way itâs supposed to be??
You may say, the Scriptures back it up, that must surely be why we do it. No! All records in the Bible of any baptism was always to an adult, no infant or child baptism, none! What did Jesus do? He waited till he was 30 years old. How come the Society always encourages us to follow in Jesus footsteps, but they always seem to forget this one glaring thing?
For all of us who have awoken, we now see it. It has nothing to do with following the Bible, and has everything to do with locking children and their parents in. When these children get to be late 20s or early 30s and start thinking harder about things, theyâre stuck. When parents start thinking about leaving, their children are baptized and they are very well aware will be shunned by them. Theyâre all stuck in and miserable. For the ones that will not tolerate it, they leave and then have to deal with the fallout of shunning.
It is crazy how the Society go beyond what is written and itâs so harmful to people. How do JWs honestly tell people everything they do is Scripturally based, they lie!!