You would have to be an idiot to believe Oswald acted alone. JFKs head was blown off from a shot taken in front of the car that forced him back into his seat and his brains and scalp on the trunk.
JoinedPosts by BourneIdentity
Do You Believe In A “Deep State”?
by minimus inor do you think the idea of a deep state is malarkey?
The year is 2040...
by BourneIdentity inmany world leaders have proclaimed peace and security, yet no end occurred.
everyone assumes it’s not the “big one” yet that will set off the annihilation of billions.
the current governing body are made up of all jws that are not anointed, the anointed ones have all passed away and are awaiting jehovah’s command to kill all the non jws in armageddon.
Many world leaders have proclaimed peace and security, yet no end occurred. Everyone assumes it’s not the “big one” yet that will set off the annihilation of billions.
The current Governing Body are made up of all JWs that are not anointed, the anointed ones have all passed away and are awaiting Jehovah’s command to kill all the non JWs in Armageddon.
Brothers are still giving talks and saying the end is imminent. We are just nano seconds from it occurring, so raise your heads erect, your deliverance is at hand!
There is a massive exodus among the ranks. They always believed Jesus selected the faithful and discreet slave and they would remain through the conclusion of the system of things. Yet they all are dead and now the ones they are to be obedient to are not the FDS. Why haven’t other anointed people in other countries been recruited to come make up the new Governing Body? Why have all the previous GB Helpers been promoted to a job that Jesus didn’t assign to them?
For the loyal JWs that remain, they are very truly living in a spiritual paradise. Watchtower has been producing high quality videos now for 14 years since the media center opened in 2026. Some famous former worldly actors have joined the ranks of the JWs and are helping contribute to making videos. Big names such as Macaulay Culkin converted and didn’t we all enjoy his 2038 Moses flick? Movie studio tours have been a hit and JWs even get to meet some of their favorite actors and actresses. Not to worry, the actors have undergone much counsel to stay humble through all the adoration from their fans. There could not be more clear evidence that the Organization is being blessed by Jehovah.
The race for life related to running
by BourneIdentity inif you were running a 5k race, what would it mean to you if someone said the end is around the corner, keep running the race, don’t give up!.
you would literally believe it was around the next corner, wouldn’t you?
when it wasn’t, you’d start questioning if you heard them correctly.
If you were running a 5k race, what would it mean to you if someone said the end is around the corner, keep running the race, don’t give up!
You would literally believe it was around the next corner, wouldn’t you? When it wasn’t, you’d start questioning if you heard them correctly. Then you see the next corner approaching, but like the last one, no finish line.
You know your regular running pace and have a feeling a certain amount of time has passed, so you feel the end has to be so close. Corner after corner brings no finish line, yet everyone on the sidelines is cheering you on saying it’s just around the corner.
Deep down you feel like you have run the equivalent of a 10k race by now and are exhausted. You start realizing people aren’t saying it’s around “this corner”, they are vaguely saying “around the corner”.
You are not a quitter, but you have not trained for anything longer than a 5k race before. You go as long as your body and mind allows you to before collapsing and saying you are done with the race. Everyone calls you a loser for quitting, yet you found out you actually ran 20k.
This is how so many of the older JWs feel. They have been pushed and pushed for decades and some begin to realize the finish line is them collapsing and dying on the road, not actually crossing over a finish line.
Voter Fraud !
by Sea Breeze indick morris sounds the alert:. .
Trump is hell bent on claiming fraud. My question is suppose he ends up being the victor. Does he then take back all those claims and say all the votes were legal and legit?
Everyone Around Trump Is Getting The Virus Including Joint Chief if Staff ...what’s going on???
by minimus inis this just a coincidence?
is trump a “super spreader”?
is this a republican payback?
It does seem like very strange timing. This thing has been around for 7-8 months and I’m sure not much has changed in the White House in regard to masks and social contact with others. Very strange that a few weeks before the election, it’s like a covid biological weapon went off in the White House.
President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19
by Funky in
given his age and weight, he is at very high risk of needing to be hospitalized.. trump is arguably the most well-protected man on earth, and he got it.. people.....wear a fruggin' mask!.
I’m just being a realist. You wouldn’t say someone beat cancer after a year, you have to wait till the 5 year mark. Covid lasts 2-4 weeks, and people think he beat it in 3-4 days. If he’s still upright by Election Day, 2 thumbs up! -
President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19
by Funky in
given his age and weight, he is at very high risk of needing to be hospitalized.. trump is arguably the most well-protected man on earth, and he got it.. people.....wear a fruggin' mask!.
Trump should take note COVID doesn’t magically disappear after 3 days. The Herman Cain timeline:
6/24: Trump rally
7/2: Tests positive for Covid
7/10: Says he’s improving
7/15: Says his doctors seem happy
7/27: Says he’s really getting better
7/30: Dies
President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19
by Funky in
given his age and weight, he is at very high risk of needing to be hospitalized.. trump is arguably the most well-protected man on earth, and he got it.. people.....wear a fruggin' mask!.
I personally think it’s fake news and he doesn’t even have covid.
President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19
by Funky in
given his age and weight, he is at very high risk of needing to be hospitalized.. trump is arguably the most well-protected man on earth, and he got it.. people.....wear a fruggin' mask!.
I wonder if Trump is bullying his dozen doctors to remove their masks like he does with all his lackies in the West Wing?
So the elders gave my 19 year old daughter a shepharding call depression ensues!
by nowwhat? inagainst our wishes she got baptised at 16 because she got brainwashed by her cousin.
the last year or so she hasn't been so gung ho about the "truth".
anyway the elders came down on her for not getting her time in the last couple months because she absolutely hates zoom letter writing.
I would at least text those brothers and say “thanks a lot for your “encouragement”, my daughter is extremely depressed now. If you can’t build someone up, keep your mouths shut!”