They can equally get CHRONOLOGY or REVELATION done by Doug Mason on numerous publications of JWS.
For example the same ORGANIZATION state the below......
.......Totalitarian religious rule is at war with democratic individuality There are religious systems that are totalitarian in their rule. History shows one of the oldest of these to be the Roman Catholic( replace with Jehovah's witnesses) religious system. By its spokesmen - pope( replace with Governing body) the claim is made that the salvation of all mankind rests upon the obedience of everybody to the pope at Vatican City( the 8 GB at Walkill or Warwick). Because it considers itself to be the only agency for human salvation , that religious system has undertaken the program of world conquest( preaching in 235 lands ahahahaha). … Where these totalitarian religionists are in the majority this use of force has resulted in the practice of intolerance; but where they are in the minority they call for toleration and plead for it and demand it. Just as soon as they get the upper hand, then they abuse their power and position and they themselves practice intolerance and all other methods to take away religious liberty from others( go against the GB and its foot soldiers you will live to tell the story). … The *totalitarian* system, therefore, has to be *enforced by compulsion and is at war with all democratic individuality........April 1 1956 Watchtower pg 196
The finger they point at others is what they DO. Jesus said unless your RIGHTEOUSNESS is greater than the PHARISEES. Whenever I read these words of JESUS one common thing about Pharisee is HYPOCRISY. The ORGANIZATION reels and reeks HYPOCRISY. Their publication over the years is a credible and faithful witness to that.
At the point of my own exit, of one the elder said sometimes we tend to find the unexpected in the ORGANIZATION. I laughed and said......"When we see such unexpected we keep mute and take it as nothing" but when other Christian denominations do it, we should pick up stones and STONE them.
What should we call that if not HYPOCRISY.