You can maintain your trust in Jehovah
Not possible within this religious organization, to maintain trust in Jehovah you must completely trust the Governing Body
and his organization
Not scriptural, cannot be supported using the Bible. In essence they are saying trust us your Governing Body.
when your loyalty is tested.
By we(the Governing body your GODS)
But to do so, you need to keep your senses,
Members are already told to only keep the senses of the Governing Body even when their sense is nonsense.
that is, to stay calm, think clearly, and see matters from Jehovah’s perspective
Members cannot think clearly on their own since the numerous committees and helpers to the governing body and the governing body already stated they will do the THINKING. Members only need to gulp it continuously even if they contain wormwood or poisons as they continue to look at it from Governing body perspectives.