Raven - yeah, she was and is a JW. Yet has lived a total double life for years. Example: she has the kids afraid of Christmas, yet secretly celebrates. She dresses like a prostitute, not exaggerating, when she's not around JWs. She has tons of close worldly friends. She's had secret worldly boyfriends for years and she would give the kids to us extra nights and weekends so she could spend extra time with them (we already have split custody and she already barely works). She recently secretly married a guy that we didn't find out about until after they got married. So my kids have a new step-dad. Seems to be a nice guy so far, so that's good. Unfortunately, she's roping him into the cult. She's a very controlling person, so she looks for passive, easy to control guys and it looks like she found one. She is a complete narcissist and pathological liar. I know that she lied about what she was making to the courts because I tallied up her rent, car payment and some other bills I knew she had and the number she gave the courts was at least $1,000 short. There are so many other things, I could go on.
Anyway, I wouldn't care about most of these things if she wasn't presenting herself as a super righteous and pious person to the kids and indoctrinating them into the cult. And boy are they indoctrinated big time. Hopefully, I can help them wake up as they get older and start thinking more for themselves.