It's been 8 years since Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman were brutally murdered by O.J. Look at the evidence, it's there. I think he even moved to Florida to avoid paying some of the judgment against him in the civil suit brought by the Brown's and Goldman's. He gets a really nice pension from the NFL, and spends most of his time playing golf. I always thought O.J. was guilty, no innocent man would run like he did. It's hard to believe it's been 8 years...
JoinedPosts by TresHappy
OJ makes me sick
by hannibal indid anyone see oj simpson on espn last night?.
dan patrick interveiwed that scumbag.dan asked him... .
ya, so do you still spend money trying to find nicoles killer?.
small world, reunited by this forum!!!! yipee!!
by ApagaLaLuz inalright, my heart is pumping.
i'll try to keep this short.. before i left i had made quite a few friends over in england, from going to assemblies.
over a couple of years they visited me in california, i visited them in england.
What a wonderful thread! The Internet has brought the world so much closer together, especially in the ex-JW world. I have gotten in touch with cruzanheart and Big Tex after all these years, we used to go to the same congregation back in the early and mid 80's.
Also saw a post on a genealogy website about 3 years ago of a woman looking for a person with the same initials/name as my grandfather. I e-mailed her and asked her why she was asking and she said he's listed as the father on her birth certificate. She never knew her father's side of the family and was looking for him and/or his family. I knew my grandfather was quite the rounder so I thought MAYBE my grandfather was her father, making her my aunt. My aunt (known daughter of my late grandfather) did DNA testing with her last year and guess came back 95 percent (a DNA match in 1/2 sibship!) Anyway, I found my grandfather's daughter and a new aunt. The DNA results came back 2 days before Christmas last year, what a great Christmas present!!!
New Years eve
by WildTurkey innew years eve is coming up soon, and dede and i plan to party hard.
this will be are first new year that we will not worry about being seen in public.
lord help the state of louisiana!!!
I think I will drive over to Big Tex and cruzanheart's house and eat some of those lobster tails. If I drink too much, I can always reserve a room at the Murphy Hilton - lol
My Ebay Wedding!
by Lin ini couldn't help but share, especially with any ebay addicts here, my adventure on ebay preparing for my wedding.
i'm getting married for the second and last time on january 25th.
i found this dress for only $30.00 plus shipping.
What a great Ebay wedding. Your dress is beautiful. Please post photos of the happy event.
TresHappy (of the been married 4 years class)
Really nothing. Everyone I have met on this forum has been kind. All of us have myriads of stories to tell about the WT. I am just thankful I am still alive and well to hear them!
Sweet Revenge
by JH inhas it ever occured to you to think about doing something nasty towards the elders of your congregation after being disfellowshipped?
do you ever get ideas about getting even with them?
maybe your way of getting even is just by being here on this forum and letting everyone know about them.edited by - jh on 16 december 2002 18:19:0.
I never was dfed, just reproved. I didn't want to seek revenge, but I was pretty pissed off at life in general. I then realized the best way to get revenge was to go on with my life, not let their crap destroy me, and let others know about this cult before others are sucked into it. Since I left, I have talked to at least 5 people who were getting sucked into it and stopped after discussing things with ex JW's. That's wonderful revenge for me.
Evil CO's wives
by PopeOfEruke indoes anyone remember particularly evil wives of circuit overseers?.
i remember one, a little chinese "lady" known as norma.
absolutely hated kids.
I never really experienced evil co's wives. They were all very sweet to me. The only evil women I ever ran into was Evil Sister Pioneer Woman. She came in many forms, but mostly the same haughty, snobby and I am better than you attitude. I remember being reduced to tears on several occasions after going out in service. And I thought this was Jehovah's happy organization!!!
Who's your favorite DJ?
by back2dafront ini'm a dj myself and have seen some great names out there, but nobody compares to the vicious set performed by:.
dj surgeon.
all you european techno fanatics should be familiar with this guy.
Definitely the legendary Casey Kasem. He has been around forever, always loved his countdowns every week when I was a teenager. Plus he was the voice of Shaggy on the original Scooby Doo cartoon series.
When You Were Engaged, Did You Do It???
by minimus inmost of the people that i know of that got married in a kingdom hall never admitted to "loose conduct" or "fornication" until sometime after their consciences bothered them.
some never had a conscience issue , but they did tell their friends , who, in turn, told others that they really weren't "qualified" to get married in the hall.
do you think that most jw couples "fool around" before they get married?
Before, during and after.
TresHappy of the Fornication Class.
Do you really need liquor at a wedding reception?
by ronin1 inthis is in response to the post on december 10, : "a wedding gone bad"-.
the question: do you really need liquor at a wedding reception?.
here is my story:.
I basically had 2 receptions, one at the resort where we got married, and back home a few weeks later. Since no family attended the first one, I feel the reception at home was really the only reception. We didn't have an open bar, so everyone who wanted alcohol bought their own. It was a wonderful time had by all, and if I had to pay for all the drinking, I would have had a very expensive reception.
Edited by - TresHappy on 13 December 2002 19:42:12