Yummy is right.
Do not start your diet until after eating above food.
qiuck,,,easy and delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!
easy snacks.
12 ounce bag of butterscotch chips.
Yummy is right.
Do not start your diet until after eating above food.
many of us are or were witnesses because we were born into the religion.
others became witnesses because they really thought it was the truth.
so many wish that they never had a jehovah's witness come to their door or their parents' door.
I wouldn't be on this forum bitching about my misadventures with a dangerous and deceptive cult.
this subject has bothered me for 5 years now.. eventually the day will come where i'll need to tell my folks i'm no longer a jw.
my oldest son (who is 3) is getting to the age where he talks about everything from birthday cakes to christmas trees.
we were able to get away with birthdays and holidays so far, but now is becoming increasingly difficult to stop him from talking about them when the family's around.. should i write a letter?
I just started celebrating birthdays and holidays. That did it for them.
The Lone Star Apostate...or Texas is full of exes! Welcome to the board Stef from a fellow Texan!
today was the anniversary of my final public talk and disassociation.
one year on, and out - time flies!!!.
and what an eventful year it has been - and here are a few highlights: .
Coming to Dallas, cruzanheart, Big Tex, we must have a party!
do you think that you will see your dear loved ones come back to life in a ressurection of some sort or do you think there is no hope of such a thing?
I hope so. It would be wonderful to see them.
we have all seen it... .
many jws kiss elder butt.... .
Fear, fear of being looked down upon by the elders and the congregation, fear of one's own shadow, fear of everything...
2 tim.2:15 says," do your utmost to present yourself approved to god, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of,handling the word of the truth aright.
" when you were at work, school or play did you find yourself ashamed to tell anyone that you were a witness?
what if they found out anyway?
For a while, I loved being identified as "Haughty JW Woman" with her black bookbag and tacky dresses that clashed with everything. Then I began to realize this wasn't a normal thing to do, go out door-to-door trying to give these magazines to people who just wished you would go away. Thank goodness my Saturdays now are in my bed asleep instead of waking up some poor soul I didn't even know to tell him about something I just didn't believe anymore.
today, for some reason, i've had the kinks tune victoria stuck in my head.
what songs are stuck in your head tonight?
Band on the Run - must be left over from my Christmas gift - Back in the U.S. DVD