Archie had this idea 40 years a go.
loaded gun under her car seat was picked up off the floor and the kid shot her in the back...the day before on facebook she boasted about his shooting skills.
what is wrong with this picture?
Archie had this idea 40 years a go. i gotta cook for this hot chick tonight, ........i rented a suite at the mayaguez beach hotel, and she's totally into me.
i have my still sore from my wreck....but into this girl and i need y'alls help.
im californian....kinda been in the tropic forrest..bout 2years....and need some southern help.
operation was successful only minor but some interesting information was revealed to me from the surgeon.l requested that they treat me as if l was a jehovahs witness with regards to blood transfusions.the doctor said well that varies from jw to jw and l asked what do you mean?his response was that in his dealings with jw's was that approx half of witnesses will accept a blood transfusion in life threatening circumstances and sign a form saying so.l was blown away when he told me this.l was curious if others in here have heard similar seems to me that many witnesses have weakened their stance on this controversial subject.
hello all i am fairly new to this site even though i have been da since i was 16 years old i am now 35 years old.
i have had very little contact with my family since i left maybe a handful of times over the years.
i thought i put the past behind me and moved on i have 4 amazing kids of my own really supportive partner and great friends who have become my family.
there was/is a sister in my old hall who was a pharmaceutical sales rep and she was a huge proponent of anything in the drug industry.
when someone had a headache, she was the first to say "take an asprin.
" now my husband and i are what you might call old hippies.
jworg is carrying a "news" article concerning their recent win of a telly award.. i don't need to add to the jworg website hits, so here is the award listed on the telly award website:.
2015 online video bronze winners.
my husband is still asleep but he will get up in about an hour for work so i'm going to quickly tell you my inconclusive conclusion.
i don't know if i can believe in god anymore.
i have come to the simple conclusion that he is either dead or evil but he is definitely not loving.
have we noticed how often the society uses comments like this?.
"jehovah's witnesses are the most honest people...etc".
while it may be true that witnesses as a whole are decent, law abiding people, are they truely "honest" when the very foundation of beliefs are based on mistruths?.
... to all who share this day as their birthday with me, particularly if you you still have to pretend to be a jw.. sf.
Happy birthday saltheart!
Love the lines in this song "Happiness is the TRUTH"
so last night we had some friends around for dinner, (not jw) & it was a really wonderful evening.
we talked about a variety of subjects, just had a laugh & drunk wine & beer.
this morning my husband & i were talking about how nice it was, how free we felt with our opinions.
The watchtower(GB) teaches that gossip is wrong, but they practice it in almost every article. Most articles have a story about someone,s not living up to their standard and must accept discipline to get rid of their erring ways. Well, how do they get the stories? From the elders who gossip about what they listen to in judicial meetings. When a pioneer or ms confesses about one of their weaknesses to the elders they usually don't want their experiences broadcast in the Watchtower, but thats where they wind up. One example is in this June 2016, right after the tight pants episode. Unless these stories are completely made up. See if you can locate the gossip about the "brother".
6 Making a practice of sin, perhaps even committing secret sins, can also make one unresponsive to divine coun- sel. Sinning can then become easier. One brother said that in time his improper conduct did not bother him much at all. (Eccl. 8:11) Another brother, who got into the habit of viewing pornography, later admitted: “I found myself develop- ing a critical attitude toward the elders.” His habit was hurting him spiritually. Eventually, his conduct came to light, and he received much-needed help. Of course, we are all imperfect. If, however, we begin to develop a critical attitude or to excuse a wrong course rather than
6. What can happen if we practice sin?
seek God’s forgiveness and help, our heart may already be hardening.
Im sure the brother that said this in private did not consent to print it, so it has to be gossip.