Altruism and love are the same thing to me but altruism has disguised itself better than love. It is less obvious.
We will say that we ‘love’ some one or some thing if that person or thing provides us with something that is at the top of our value list. If our values change than we fall out of love. Altruism appears to go beyond such logical behaviour, but I am incline to think that it is just an extension of the same principle. For example, gaining approval of people we value can be a very powerful motivation. Animals will show what appears to be altruism but are simply demonstrating their dependency.
Someone who is prepared to die for something, usually values an ideal or concept more than their own life. This tends to happen with people who believe that their present life is not their whole existence but part of a bigger picture which death will not stop them from participating in. This is not always the case.
If someone is angry enough they will take incredible risks with their life to protect their pride or honour, which is really their ego - which to them can be more real than life itself.
To die a hero and be remember well by friends can be a way of surrendering our life on our terms rather than just wasting away with the passage of time. There is a saying that a good death is better than a poor life. Also ‘there is more happiness in giving than receiving’. Often altruism has an unseen benefit for the person who concerned.
Do I sound cynical?