A riddle for you: What does a dislexic, agnostic insomniac do?
Lays awake thinking about Dog
A riddle for you: What does a dislexic, agnostic insomniac do?
Lays awake thinking about Dog
how many of you ex-jw kids were able to believe in mainstream christianity after leaving the borg?
within the last year, i have opened up to getting to know god again.
what's funny is that when i prayed for truth and to know god, i knew and had a real feeling in my heart that i was getting closer to something real, but there was still a voice going, "hey, it's me jehovah, and you have rejected me!".
Would it be right to assume that you meant Trevor and Burn - but have not read the thread thoroughly enough to notice?
This is not Ima's first post, but early on I welcomed her when I said, 'I wish you well in you faith and hope that It continues to bring you the comfort and peace that you need.' And repeated this again at the end.
I accept that the debate that has taken place would have been more appropriate on another thread but we never know how a discussion is going to go.
I have already apologized to Ima and explained my reasoning by summarising and trying to directly discuss her opening comments. She is free to reply or ignore me. If she wishes to complain I will listen with modesty.
I consider that I have made some very relevant points on this thread and my input has enable Ima's thread to run for longer than perhaps it would have, giving others the chance to welcome her.
Perhaps you have more to offer Ima that a one word Welcome? I look forward to your input.
***will jehovah recognize you?
(an illustration in a talk at an .
assembly)*** .
There was a farmer who raised sheep and had trouble with wolves
stealing his sheep. He loved his sheep and didn't want to lose even one of
If we are to take this ridiculous story seriously then we have to make sure it adds up. Humans are not sheep and wolves but people who are all here on earth because Jesus created them, with the help of his dad, we are told. So the farmer is Jesus. And God so loved the world that he threw his son to the wolves that we might be saved.
So the farmer should so love the wolves as well as the sheep and give all the wolves the same chance to be saved.
At what point in the quaint little story did the farmer offer the same chance to the other wolves that he offered to the puppy before deciding to kill them?
The sheep were never wild but had always been protected by the farmer while the wolves had to kill sheep to survive. Having saved his sheep did the farmer ask them to abide with him in his mansion or slaughter them for his own Sunday roast and money at market?
my blood is boiling.. jcanon has as much right to post here and express his opinions as anybody else.. if you don't like his posts then don't bother commenting.. if you find his posts boring than don't bother commenting.. if you don't agree with him, then say why with evidence.. if you want to back him up then say why with evidence.. this whole "who hates **** or finds **** crap is really just descending to the level of the kindergarten playground.. everybody here has the right to be heard listened to or ignored - but not put under a spotlight of disdain and disapproval from other posters.. if i had been mocked or put down when i first came here, i would never have come back.. jc lives on this earth just like all of us.
if he destroys his credibility or repels you that is his own doing.
just don't recruit supporters of your own camp against him.. be fair to everybody, and they will be fair to you.. this was in response to the thread "who else finds jcanon's posts boring?.
I thought that the response to JCannon on the locked thread was for the most part positive. It seem that people do accept him and his unique style and find it entertaining.
I have seen far more abuse and swearing by longstanding posters on threads that were not locked.
JCannon clearly comes here for the attention. Has anyone asked him whether he objected the comments made?
1/ the end of this system issues
2/ the sign for the end of the system i.e earthquakes/famine/pesterlance/war
what other claims can we test to see if they are true?
Deleated wrong thread
how many of you ex-jw kids were able to believe in mainstream christianity after leaving the borg?
within the last year, i have opened up to getting to know god again.
what's funny is that when i prayed for truth and to know god, i knew and had a real feeling in my heart that i was getting closer to something real, but there was still a voice going, "hey, it's me jehovah, and you have rejected me!".
Ima Apostate
I am sorry if I appear to have hijacked your thread. That was not my intention. You told us:
And oh my god, the first time I took communion, it was like heaven. I cried almost every day in the weeks leading up to my baptism.
If a young person posted here, who was studying with Jehovah’s Witnesses, and made a similar statement regarding their joy at discovering their new faith, I would imagine you would feel a certain apprehension for them. With your experience you might feel the need to make a pointed comment about what it means to be a Jehovah’s Witnesses.
That is why I commented.
Going back to the beginning you asked, ‘ How many of you ex-JW kids were able to believe in mainstream Christianity after leaving the Borg?’
BTS commented
Hi Ima, something similar happens to many of us. We are so programmed to view God in some narrow way and see him as an angry punisher such that it is difficult to even speak to Him in an open way when we part. It takes a long time to shake off the programming.
My own experience was summed up when I said:
To shake off such programming it is necessary to shake off many passages in the Holy Scriptures that explain the God of the Bible and his propensity to vengeance and punishment. If we shake off the Bible account of this angry God then his son disappears too and we are left with a Bible that is no longer the Holy word of God. Jehovah's Witnesses have based many of their beliefs on such Bible passages. Modern Christians like to cherry pick the verses that they find acceptable and reject the 'nasty bits.'
The debate that followed will be judged differently by different people depending on their views. I hope you read this thread through carefully and many similar debates with Christians and form your own opinion. I do not expect you to agree with mine. If you want to be a Christian badly enough you will ignore inconvenient remarks and cling to your faith as you did when you were a Jehovah’s Witnesses.
This is something that you would be wise to consider before you become too deeply involved in another Bible based religion. You need to ask yourself how much of the Bible you really believe? Or are you able base your faith on just a feeling? You have already made a mistake with religion and it would be tragic to fall into the same trap twice.
Whether keeping off threads that congratulate Christians on their new found faith would be considered noble or selfish of me is a matter of opinion. As I said to you before , ‘ I wish you well in you faith and hope that It continues to bring you the comfort and peace that you need.’
Burn the Ships
Thanks for you input and patient efforts to explain the basis of Christianity. I have read the links you posted and will endeavour to understand your faith better.
how many of you ex-jw kids were able to believe in mainstream christianity after leaving the borg?
within the last year, i have opened up to getting to know god again.
what's funny is that when i prayed for truth and to know god, i knew and had a real feeling in my heart that i was getting closer to something real, but there was still a voice going, "hey, it's me jehovah, and you have rejected me!".
Roller Dave - you made a number of contentious comments in your first post on this thread. I politely ignored your indirect slurs and stated my position. Or you could say laid my cards on the table and asked you what you have faith in that allows you to consider that you are not an Atheist?
You fail to respond in an intelligent way but say, ‘…you sir, come off as being contentious and I left that behind in the Kingdumb Hell.’
When debating with BurnTheShips I am contentious because that is the style of his non stop Saved by Christ campaign. Just about everyone that debates with him ends up being contentious.
With you I have been polite and explained myself. If you don’t want to share yourself on this board, that is your choice. On the other hand if you come here take sides and make contentious comments, you should not be surprised when you are asked to asked to explain them.
In your own words:
It's a bigotry of talking in normative form. very discouraging and intolerant, but I digress.
explain how jesus chose the "slave" in 1919?.
how can they answer?.
It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word
how many of you ex-jw kids were able to believe in mainstream christianity after leaving the borg?
within the last year, i have opened up to getting to know god again.
what's funny is that when i prayed for truth and to know god, i knew and had a real feeling in my heart that i was getting closer to something real, but there was still a voice going, "hey, it's me jehovah, and you have rejected me!".
Cows only produce milk when they are calving, so they are inseminated and give birth, usually by cesarean, so they start to produce milk.
The unwanted calves are slaughtered and sold as veal. The anti veal lobby in the UK have made it unacceptable to eat veal so the young calves are sold on very cheaply to France. In the UK they are an unwanted by product of milk.
how many of you ex-jw kids were able to believe in mainstream christianity after leaving the borg?
within the last year, i have opened up to getting to know god again.
what's funny is that when i prayed for truth and to know god, i knew and had a real feeling in my heart that i was getting closer to something real, but there was still a voice going, "hey, it's me jehovah, and you have rejected me!".
The Catholic church, like other Christian movements, interprets the Bible as it suits it to and had a large hand in the compilation of the present version.
According to the Bible, Christianity is not just about believing in a gentle Jesus as Christ the Word. It is also about accepting the God that he prayed to and accepting the Bible in its entirety as the Word of God. This means accepting the many vengeful deeds that were carried out by that God and recorded in his inspired Word. Also the threats and warnings to those who take away one word from what is written or go beyond what is written.
Abraham had faith long before Christ appeared and he was counted worthy - according to the Bible. I do not accept that God is remotely like the petulant, angry thug portrayed in the Bible. As a non- Christian I am at liberty to hold that opinion. As A very vocal Christian - You are not. The Bible cannot be dismissed by Christians as just an ancient man made opinion of God. It is an intrinsic part of the whole story of Christianity. Modern Christians want to pick and choose as it suits them.
Vicars openly declare that most of the Bible from Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, through to the Revelation are fiction. I hope they are right because I am incapable of loving the God of the Bible. I am honest enough to realize that according to the Bible, Christ did love this God and to claim to be a Christian, I would have to as well. Of course you see them as one and the same which actually makes matters worse.
It brings me back to my original point. You continually quote and highlight detailed Bible passages as the ultimate authority to prove your points. Now either the whole Bible is the Word of God or it just an unreliable collection of mussing written by simple minded ancient men.
I have tried to follow you argument and appreciate the time you have taken to try to explain. I do see where you are coming from but find you and other modern Christians like to cherry pick and appear to belong to a gentle peaceful religion that has nothing to do with the God of the Israelites.
At the same time that you quote from parts of the Bible that suit you, you say it is not the basis of your faith. I realize that a belief in Christ is the basis for your faith but to be consistent the Bible must also be accepted as the Word of God.
You are like a zealous vegetarian seeing nothing wrong with drinking milk. You can’t have milk without accepting calves are slaughtered to produce it. You can’t have Christ without accepting the Bible as the Word of God and all that is written in.