Explain how Jesus chose the "Slave" in 1919?
How can they answer?
by sacolton 46 Replies latest jw friends
Explain how Jesus chose the "Slave" in 1919?
How can they answer?
The "Faithful Slave" was inspected and found to be worthy.
That's all you need to know as a JW.
Yeah and Didn't Lincoln free them in 1865
Naw man, don't you remember...
Satan had 7 faithful men incarcerated for dissing the gubmint and then GeeHova released them from their chains so they could reorganize and get the word out that Michael da ark angel got some roids and turned into Jebus.
He let them out of prison didn't he? Get with the program!
(Although he should have let them stay in a few more years so the chronology would match a little better)
At that time Jesus was able to examine the group that was emerging from the falsities (is that a word) of their progenator "Pastor Russel" and moving onto their own and new light falsehoods. BUT apparently their falsehoods were not quite as false as the falsehoods of the rest of religions of the day. SOOO! he was thereby able to pick them as the best of the bunch that he was able to examine and declare them as the winners. Also remember that Jesus knew or foreknew that they would work towards enlightening with "New Light" better than the rest.
Well it couda happened that way.
Obviously no JW gives to a formal charity. Their idea of charity is most insular and peculiar. If a fellow JW lives in a disaster area they, as a group, can be called upon to contribute can goods, clothing, blankets. But, strangers don't qualify for mercy or charity at all.
Now these three remain, Faith, Hope and Charity. The greatest of these is Charity. Oops! Not in the New World Translation!
It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over?
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word
Oh, my, I thought it was "abundantly clear" and "manifest"...race ipso locquitor (sp?)...I know it must be so, the Governing Body told me so!