Surely - the measure of success is whether you have succeeded in achieving what you set out to.
If your aim is to drift through life and achieve nothing and you succeed in this, then you are successful.
what qualifies as successful?
a huge bank account, at work, health, family, friends, education?.
Surely - the measure of success is whether you have succeeded in achieving what you set out to.
If your aim is to drift through life and achieve nothing and you succeed in this, then you are successful.
my 11 year old son who is an old soul, is a scientist in his heart and waxes philosophically about the universe and its beginnings when most kids his age are playing ps2.
he does that too of course but he spends a great deal of time thinking.
he got into the car the other day and was quiet for awhile and then he said "mom, would you be upset with me if i said i didnt believe there is a god?".
The point with the dubs is that they have created a very negative image of god which many children eventually find disturbing as they grow up.
Other religions strive to create a positive image of god, but either way they are created images - concepts which depend on belief and faith for their existence.
I do not see why children have to believe anything that they cannot verify in reality or experience for themselves.
darkness and light.. something and nothing.. heat and cold.. happiness and sadness.. love and hate.. which of the above are actually existing things and which are conceptual constructs?.
hint: this is a trick question.
but, go ahead and answer anyway.
I value the insight that has been shared on this subject in this thread. It is understandable that a totally logical approach may be too ruthless for some and may appear to be too extreme for all situations. Logic is a laser that cuts through all the nonsense and forces us to question everything we have ever accepted of valued in our lives.
I have had to make a conscious effort to separate fact from fiction and take an objective look at all aspects of life. However hard I try I will always be a dreamer, so I have no fear that I will become so logical and focused that I will completely loose the comfort of allowing my mind to wander, to dream, to imagine, to indulge in a little fantasy. But it will remain a hobby for rainy days and not replace the day job!
i'm an evolutionist.
one cannot argue that evolution isn't a fact.
however, i'd be interested in the better informed amongst us here explaining in simple terms how the feeling of love evolved.
We act according to our values.
This is the whole truth of the matter.
I would not risk my life for a president or a bishop because I place little value on them. What did they ever do for me!
But a good friend who I care for? Well that would be different.
..and found myself agreeing with 95% of what he said.
well who would have thought.
i would recommend everyone should read this.
I have purchased The God Delusion book and it sits proudly on my coffee table as a warning to devout friends that I am armed and ready.
Alas! I have not yet read it. It is such a large book and I keep putting it off.
I am encouraged by your remarks and must find time to take the plunge.
i'm an evolutionist.
one cannot argue that evolution isn't a fact.
however, i'd be interested in the better informed amongst us here explaining in simple terms how the feeling of love evolved.
Over the last 5 years my brother (Plato) has become increasingly involved in Buddhism. This include belief in karma, spirit guides and so on. This has concerned me because he seemed to be surrendering his rationality and control over his emotions - while at the same time believing that he has more control and purpose than he had before.
I have shared some of your insights with him and helped him to see the need to avoid accepting beliefs as facts. Your explanation of how our values control our emotions has proved most helpful to both him and myself.
Your efforts on this board are appreciated by many. Of course it is expected that there will be clashes of ego and opinion at times but they are sometimes the most enjoyable and enlightening exchanges.
Helping people to think for themselves and gain proper control of their lives is - well - almost altruistic!
i'm an evolutionist.
one cannot argue that evolution isn't a fact.
however, i'd be interested in the better informed amongst us here explaining in simple terms how the feeling of love evolved.
I have a brother who thinks that love exists outside of ourselves in an invisible dimension ad we can choose to be a channel for love or not. I used to think this but have changed my view. We have some interesting discussions over a few pints and are able to respect each other viewpoint and exchange ideas.
I would say that love has developed along with the ability to reason. Love is the powerful emotion we feel towards someone who shares our values or can offer us something that we place a high value on.
When married people find that they no longer find what they need in their partner they become unhappy and usually end up parting. They sometimes claim that they still love their partner but leave and go off to find someone else to ‘love.’
What they are doing is attempting to preserve the precious memories of a time when they did love their partner. I am inclined to think that romantic love is far more of a deal than we would like to admit!
i have been lurking for quite some time now on jwd.
my story is pretty much just like everyone else's, "only the names have been changed".
in reading your posts, i have both laughed and cried till tears ran down my cheeks.
Reading through this thread it seems that James is seeking to explain that judgemental beliefs and other tricks of the mind separate us from those we love.
Harmony is only possible when we overcome these phantoms and move beyond such false divisions. I see no trace of an attempt by James to exalt himself or judge others.
Often challenging a viewpoint can attract hostility as it causes defensive behaviour. I am encouraged by journey-on’s comment.
You're an alright guy. Thanks for your insight. We're really not that far apart in some of our thinking.
i'm an evolutionist.
one cannot argue that evolution isn't a fact.
however, i'd be interested in the better informed amongst us here explaining in simple terms how the feeling of love evolved.
It never enters my head that I am attaching value to my children due to their carrying my DNA! Rather, I attach value to them because I love them…
Dansk - Would it be fair to say that you love them because you attach value to them?
i have been lurking for quite some time now on jwd.
my story is pretty much just like everyone else's, "only the names have been changed".
in reading your posts, i have both laughed and cried till tears ran down my cheeks.
I firmly believe they are going to have to stand in judgment for this one day, or toward the end of their lives it will eat at their soul and gnaw at their conscience for what they did to their God-given flesh and blood. Right now, they can stay busy in the JW pursuits and keep their minds occupied with that drivel.
But who is to decide what is truth and what is drivel? If you believe in judgment day and reprisals then you still believe in the system that has caused you so much pain?
I hope that you will find the courage to use this life changing experience to re-valuate your view of reality and move towards real freedom.