It's a crazy situation atleast from a worldly man who dated a JW born in female. Was kinda akward as I was very outgoing and we became very sexually active for some years. She always seemed distance, she was a virgin but after time she never disagreed with anything but seemed timmid to ask for anything, such as after a long period of sex she would shy around to ask for more or she would hint of wanting to try this or that but always scared to ask me me instead of just doing. Always felt alittle distance and even scared of oral sex, don't get me wrong she enjoyed but never seemed 100% into it like it was wrong. She enjoyed and wanted but guilty afterwards.
JoinedPosts by Outgoing454
The Way JW Females Act
by LaurenM inthe more i interact with non-jw men and women the more i notice that i still behave like a jw woman.
when i interact with people (men especially) i find myself being super submissive and docile.
acting like i don't have a brain and can't make decisions on my own.
What are your experiences having Jehovah Witnesses work for you or you work with?
by adjusted knowledge ini've managed several thousand employees in the last decade.
i've had a handful that identified themselves as witnesses.
from experience, they were no different than any other employees.
Seems that out of the ones we employ the major thing is always attendance. When talked to because they are missing to many days and looking for a resolution to help correct the problem I sometimes suggest going to the doctor to see if they can help with your illness.
Seem to get the reply they can't do anything for me or can't find anything wrong or can't afford to go to the doctors. It amazes me how sick some can be all the time and causes some to loose their employment.
Another issue that I have had brought to my attention is around the holidays several associates complain that a witness passes out information why Christmas is bad or why this is bad and feel really uncomfortable about someone telling them what they should believe in.
I do always tell them they should in a respective manner tell them if they choose not to be bothered with the the information they are being given and if it continues to please let me know.
also when asked my opinion on what I think about the witness's and their message I just state do a little research on the internet and come to your own conclusion.
But what ever their opinion respect their choice of religion and them.
My Letter To the Watchtower
by AiAi inthis is an exact copy of my letter to the watchtower.
it never recieved a reply (i did not include 'attn writing committee' in the address however).
please keep in mind that when i wrote this i had just started my intensive research into their beliefs/history, and despite my agressive tone i really did expect a satisfactory answer.
I don't know, but I did send a letter to the org. And ask how one sister can be only
marked by committing adultery while another man less than ten miles from her kingdom
hall was disfellowshipped for less. I included my address with the address of the local kingdom
halls. I stated does this make them financially liable for unequal treatment and never received a
Involved with a JW woman
by jonza inokay so i'm dating a born-in jw woman, she's younger than me and has no kids.
i'm a christian man whos divorced with 2 kids.
we're in love and seriously want to be together.
Well my friend, let me say never been a JW & never will be. Dated a born in female, was her first at many things. Fell in love, dated for four years as we kept it secret as she was afraid of getting caught. Had talked about marriage, I was susopsidly her world as she was mine.
She wanted to leave and move out of her mothers and live together. After the 2012 convention we had a small argument, she was feeling guilty and told her mom. Her mom immediately went to the elders, had her quit her job as that is how we met. she talked with her mother about moving in with me and her mom's first words was what about me? What am I going to do? Followed by what are you going to do when he is tired of u, Christmas etc.even though I bought her items for her birthday and Christmas.
Was not disfellowshipped but marked and part of the agreement to never speak with me again. I saw this woman's couple of weeks ago by accident at a place she worked. She looked at me and told a co worker I need to go to the back.
I would strongly advise caution if she has family in before you end up in the same situation. The organization really has a grip on some very good people and it's sad that they put the organizTion before anything else in their life.
Good luck my friend.
But they are only 8 imperfect men!!!
by notsurewheretogo ini'm fed up of my still-in wife using this excuse that they can utter wrong beliefs and doctrines.. .
the fact that there are imperfect humans involved in the organisation is very much irrelevant.. .
we all accept, including jdubs, that these men are just men who may think and say wrong things like the rest of us as they go about their own lives.
So if the GB are mediators for JW's And JW's follow
The GB Does that make them disciples of the GB
as others are disciples of Jesus for
following him?
Goodbye and Thank You Jw Net (Last Post)
by Brother Mike ini would like to thank everyone for the discussions that we've all had.
after all of them i have realized, all of you have made me realized that after all of the stuff i have been through, i just need a good friend.
and regardless of how hostile our discussion could get i have felt that you have all shared something with me that have helped me.
It's sad some weak ones that can't make it in society (socially) fall into groups for comfort, a sense of belonging to something or just people to accept them.
Why do so many think JW Religion is a Cult? (NO APOSTATES PLEASE)
by Brother Mike inmy question is, why do so many think the watchtower bible tract society is a cult?
I am no apostate, maybe I shouldn't speak as I have never been in any of your shoes. But when any organization controls what you do, and forces you to make choices that devastates you because the say its best for you. Had you turn your back on some one you love or family is not Christian at all.
I have friends that are JW's and have been cast out in the street for something minor and they tried to commit suicide from being abandoned in a time of need. Some needed help and never received any, forced to give up someone they love that it makes them so emotionally sick to the point of needing to go to the hospital.
What is this, it's a controlling cult.
Reminds me of the high priest in the time of Jesus, when Jesus didn't agree with their ways and what they believed so they had him put to death.
Sorry to jump in but is so frustrating to see how people get treated in this religion and other organizations for having queditions or concerns among other things.
They should not be judged and no one on this earth has the right to judge them no matter their belief, sexuality or background.
As far as the Watchtower goes, how should an adulteress be punished?
by I_love_Jeff inshould we use jesus' advice john 8:7 or god's advice .
leviticus 20:10?
It's not the same across the board?
Personally know of one in Ohio that
was just marked, and lost privileges.
Request stories on JW mental health issues
by optimusprime ini am just curious as to how much of a problem mental illness is among jws.
i would like to hear what others have to say regarding their own experiences in this matter.
specifically, i want to know how these individuals were handled in the congregation and whether or not being a jw contributed to the effects on mental illness.. .
I am a worldly lol but dated a JW female for 4 years. I watched and talked with her about her mother which became ill. Multiple doctors appointments, Couldn't work and lost her job. Her mom around 50 and her In her 20's at the time was financially supporting the two of them. She couldn't afford to pay the mortgage so after a year lost the house and had to move in with a family from the hall they were attending (another story). I asked why doesn't she get some kind of disability since she is so sick
She stated that none of the doctors could find anything wrong with her.
You are all invited to the Memorial Of Jesus Death this March 26th 2013/Invitation is included, just open.
by suavojr ingreetings to all jwn members and lurkers,.
i would like to extend all a warm-hearted invitation for our upcoming memorial this march 26th 2013, we will be having the lord's supper at sundown in a jehovah's witness kingdom hall near you can see in this invitation, jesus died for all and that includes abraham, tyndale, pastor russell and many others.
maybe you can identify the remaining key people on the top left side of jesus.we will have a wonderful talk about how jesus gave his life for all humankind thus opening the doors for everlasting can all go to our official website and find the nearest kh where you live, under the tab about us and then go to and your family are all invited and it is free.
I would like to try to attend if I can get out of work early enough.
I want to watch those who do not partake and speak at the end
as i shed a few tears and speak out why do you reject Jesus our
savaior and walk away! I am fairly new And wish I would of known
in advane to prepair!!!!!