Knowing Gods name is "Jehovah" doesnt make a person a Christian does it? Even Masons recognise the name "Jehovah" as do some none christian movements.
Plus, since you have read that name in many other Bibles you will see that name existed before the Watchtower existed so they can not claim only they are making that name known. They do not have exclusivity to it and it was used way before they took it on.
In reality the pronounciation "Jehovah" did not exist before the 12 century so it is not the eternal Name of God after all. Try saying "YHWH" and when you feel you have the most correct pronounciation let us know how you determined it was correct...let us know also how JWs can condemn those who dont use their mispronounciation of Gods one mispronounciation better than another?
If you are unsure what to call God, do as Jesus taught and call him father, that denotes intimacy, JWS do not have intimacy with him but they sure do have intamcy with the mispronounciation of his name...sounds futile doesnt it?
Hope this helps.