You said:
"I respectfully disagree. God's law has said to kill in the past."
Yes. Why God's Word condoned murder in the past days of the Israelites is a whole other subject worthy of discussion. However, since the institution of the Christian congregation, God's Law forbids such murder. That's pretty clearly outlined in the Greek scriptures.
You said:
"All it would take is a few misapplied scriptures in the WT, and the deed would be done."
If so, the individual that performs that heinous deed has failed a test of loyalty to God, because either (1) they are not a diligent enough student of the Bible to recognize misapplied Scripture or (2) they recognize the scripture is misapplied, but choose to obey man as ruler, rather than God.
The Bible holds the Boreans up as "noble minded" because they didn't mindlessly believe what they were told, but "checked the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so." Even though I believe the GB is His earthly channel, they are not beyond making mistakes. The "Proclaimers" book states they are "not infallible."
I think Jehovah expects us to be as diligent as the Boreans in our study of the Bible. We are under no obligation by God to do anything contrary to scripture, no matter who is doing the admonishing (even if, according to Revelation I think?, even if it comes as a declaration by an angel that contradicted scripture.
So according to the Bible, human dictates would certainly fall under scrutiny, even if part of God's earthly organization. Unless I'm losing my marbles, that's the way I understand it anyway.
You said:
"For example, there is no greater law than Love, right? Yet what are JWs told to do when a relative is DFed? Right, to ignore the law of love and cut that person off as if they were dead." . . . "You would think most reasoning JWs would point out that Jesus spoke with and showed kindness to 'men of the nations,' and that the primary law is that of love."
Yes, Jesus showed love to people of the nations and, at times, let love override law. A small minority of JWs have taken the same approach to speaking with disfellowshipped ones, though they are probably a small percentage overall.
So are we disloyal JWs? Depends on how you look at it. Were the leprous men who approached Jesus disloyal for violating the law to stay hidden away? Was Abigail disloyal for acting against her husband Nabal's wishes (her head) in providing food for David and his armies? Not everything is clear cut. Personally, when all is said and done, I am glad Jehovah is going to judge me, rather than any short-sighted, well-meaning but sometimes flawed, human.
Until then, we do the best we can with the information we have. For most of you, it's to stay outside the organization. For me, it is to stay in, but with eyes open. To try to set a good example. And to show relative subjection to God's organization and ultimate loyalty to Jehovah God.