JoinedTopics Started by troucul
I'll see you guys later...
by troucul init's funny, there's been a few people who've been saying there 'goodbyes' lately.
i know i don't post much, but i do read alot of everyone's posts and i do like alot of you guys.
unfortuneately, i have to leave as well.
Isn't it odd?
by troucul inisn't it odd that after the gulf war, george h.w.
bush promised a "kinder, gentler, u.s."?
nice to see his son follow in his footsteps.... i know what most supporters of the upcoming war are going to say, that 'the world changed after 9-11'...i don't believe that.
Who's the coolest here?
by troucul inbeen here awhile now, mostly as a lurker, but while reading alot of posts, i feel justified in formulating an opinion on who the coolest person on this board is.
so my vote goes to ....drum roll.... .
valis .
Bush not a Moron? Yeah Right!!!! lol
by troucul in.
hey get a load of this.
he's only confirming what everyone else knows.... something tells me chretien feels the same way, he just doesn't want to ruffle any feathers..
Cats and lawnmowers
by troucul inok guys, (simon probably won't like this thread) what's the worst thing you did as a kid to a defenseless animal?
me, i liked to throw rocks at frogs.
my mom was so mad when she saw me..... the girls are gonna be pissed..... rotfl
Dr. Phil is a Bozo
by troucul insorry i had to say that...all this clown does is recycle common knowledge.
all he is doing is spewing forth common sense.
it's amazing what people will do for money these days.
just realized something...
by troucul inbeen doing some thinking and i've had an epiphany.
in the course of meeting a girl and getting to know her, it's not what you say, it's what you don't say.
some guys, including myself on a few occasions, get so smitten by a girl they go over the top and say stupid shit.
What would you do?
by troucul inhere's a order to make three people whom you care about happy ,you had to sacrifice your own happiness, would you do it?.
bring it on....
new massachusetts law
by troucul inanyone have any opinions on what effect the new massachusetts law will have on dubba's?
(priests have 30 days to report any sexual abuse-or they will face criminal charges).
if you ask me, i foresee the borg's defense as:'we don't have priests, therefore the law does not apply to us'(by altering their terminology they can create loopholes).
just an observation....
by troucul ini'm probably gonna get creamed for this but i've made an observation and i need to know if i'm the only who feels this goes.. ever since i left the "borg" a couple years ago i've been trying to find a home.
i thought i would find it in a group that did not agree with their teaching.
(i.e., apostates or chat rooms where free discussion is promoted) as time goes on, i realize i may be mistaken.