Chinese cattle care, By hoo flung dung.
Yout body odour is offensive,, yu stin ki pu
Great!, fa kin su pa
I think you need a facelift, chin tu fat
Its dark in here, Wai so dim
Thats no right, Sum ting wong.
I could go on!,but I wont.
remember when we were kid's at school, how we used to love to make up book titles with fictitious authors to match?.
this sort of thing:.
"the dangerous cliff" by eileen dover.. "the un-answered telephone" by isabelle ringing.. "bare-back horse riding" by major bumsaw.. the fad faded for a while only to surface in a re-generated form for "the simpsons".
Chinese cattle care, By hoo flung dung.
Yout body odour is offensive,, yu stin ki pu
Great!, fa kin su pa
I think you need a facelift, chin tu fat
Its dark in here, Wai so dim
Thats no right, Sum ting wong.
I could go on!,but I wont.
when i first came here i was happy to find a place where i could laugh, get pissed off or just speak my mind on a subject.the people i have met here are some of the most,kind,careing,informative,helpfull souls.
i couldn`t have asked for a better group to be involved with.i do not always agree with my board mates.even with the ones who piss me off,there is still a comradeship(yk comes to mind,lol).finding this board has taught me one important thing.we are not alone,we have each other...outlaw
Being one of the nons and never haves,I cant say this site has changed me,however,it has certainly opened my eyes to the pain and bravery of you good people who are now nons and trying to be nons.
Also I have met some wonderfull folks,so thinking about it,without this site,I would never have met them,so maybe it has changed my life.
Take care,
well, crap.
i want a new harley fxd dyna superglide.
but, then again, a kawasaki vulcan classic is a few thousand $$'s cheaper.
Do I detect the motorcycle club international coming on here,now that would be something!.
Nice chop Animal,I has a BSA A10 chop quite a few years ago,I had to sell her as I had quite a serious back injury,and I found with her being hardtailed,I ended up nearly crippled every time I went for a blast.
My other memorable beast was a Kawasaki 750 two stroke triple,remember them?,great in a straight line,but cornering,oh dear!.
Edited by - TruckerGB on 31 July 2002 18:59:28
i remmember the idea that god has been around forever, to be a bit confusing as a witness.. does this really make sense?.
heres two reason why it doesn't.. 1.what was the first thing god did?.
so either it wasn't the first thing , if there is not a first thing god did see point 2,or god had a begining.
Got out of bed and had a cup of tea,and thought,''who can I baffle today''.
well, crap.
i want a new harley fxd dyna superglide.
but, then again, a kawasaki vulcan classic is a few thousand $$'s cheaper.
I have 1981 XV750SE Yamaha,love it.
If you like tinkering,its the Harly,if you just want to press the starter and go,its the Vulcan,personally,I would go for the Harly,and this is from a Brit.
Heres the address of my club,its the 25th anniverary next year,and most of us are still in touch.
something on the song thread that i posted, song by tu pac, got me to thinking about racisim.
why do people discriminate against people that have different color skin?
i understand it is a learned response, but my "elder" father is very racist... and this is how i was raised.. i don't get it.
New way,
I have been sat here for 20 minuits thinking how to respond to this,you've said more or less what I was going to try to write,thanks,I think we are on the same wavlength here.
I think also that some if not many of the so called racial problems in the uk,is that instead of people being left alone to get on with their lives,mix in and integrate,we are being told and dictated to as to what we must think and not say,why?,I dont see this as a colour issue,but as you say a culteral issue.
Now does this make me a racist,my family tree goes back a 1000 years,our name is in the domesday book,so I think I can call myself a native of my country.
If I travel to another country,and I have done on many occasions,I fully expect to do my best to fit in and respect the culture,be it languidge,religion Etc of the country I am visiting.If I wanted to live in that country the same applies.
Why is it,that people choose to come to and live in the uk and yet,I have experienced this,30 years later cant or wont speak English,and insist their beliefs take presedance over mine,am I the racist here,or is there a huge misunderstanding.
I have always through life done my best to treat everybody I meet with respect and equality,but if that is not shown to me,I ask why.
my neighbours have been having a party for the last two weeks.
they are both drunks, and spend the day drinking with their mates outside my brothers apartment where i currently live.
i tried to stop them, but as they are convicted violent crims i was at a loss.. now instead of tolerating it i asked the local terrorists for help.
Here here Expatbrit.
i'm posting here because i can't find any other forum to post to about you all know me and you are a great group of people.. i'm having a really bad day today.
all of a sudden it seems to have "hit" me that i had cancer.
i've been all clear for about 3 months, but all the while i've been terrified of it returning.
Sirona,I really feel for you with what you are going through,I think you may know from some of my posts that my family has been hit with cancer.
Please dont panic about the way you feel,it is quite normal,particularly this soon after treatment,you will have good days and bad days,the only real advice I can give you is to take one day at a time.
For support,the 2 organisations that I know of and still use,is the Mcmillan trust,and Hospice care,they are worth a try.
Take care,Rich.
or - how are you handling it?.
my subject is how we deal with getting older - realizing that we are headed in just one direction, aging and eventually dying.
for most of us born after wwii, raised as jw's, we did not give a thought to getting older.
I turned 40 this year,I intend growing old noisely.
a teacher asks her class to use the word contagious.. james, the class swot, gets up and says, "last year i got the measles and my mum said it was contagious".. "well done james" says the teacher, "can anyone else try"?.
katie, a sweet little girl with pigtails says "my grandma says there's a bug going around, and its contagious".
"well done, katie" says the teacher.
Har Har,a chuckle here as well.