Cofty: quote-"Christianity is a death cult and its most ardent followers are sadists."
Agreed, Like this guy:
Why Do JW's Believe that Hell is Symbolic When the Disciples of the Apostles believed it Was Literal ?
by Sea Breeze i
burning heretics alive was a common practice in medieval europe.
i cannot begin to imagine the depravity of the mind that invented this cruelty, let alone the inhumanity and callousness of those who carried out the act.
sometimes an individual would take pity on the victim and hide gunpowder among the wood faggots to hasten their death.. there is only one way to make this scenario even more depraved, infinitely depraved in fact; and that would require magic powers.
Cofty: quote-"Christianity is a death cult and its most ardent followers are sadists."
Agreed, Like this guy:
by Sea Breeze i
we still have quite a few elderly here that came in as young families in the late 1960's-early 70's because soon, yes very soon they would enter the new system and never grow old.
it's now one year away from 50 years since 1975. just in the last couple years i've seen them come down with alzheimer's, cancer, brain tumors, becoming invalid etc.
the children of them that are now around 60 are just so distraught at seeing their parents deteriorate.
For anyone believing that "one day" Jesus will 'come back' and establish his eternal kingdom, the record of xtianity making predictions of Jesus' return is terrible.
Check out this long list of failed predictions:
All the references are listed (in case you demand proof).
Note: Freddy Franz doesn't seem to be listed, either as Freddy F or the Watchtower or JWs, though I noticed in scanning the references, that Charlie Russel gets a mention. And Herbert W. Armstrong gets a mention.
So if you're a christian of any or no denomination, and you are still awaiting the day, my prediction is that your end will come without seeing that 'day.'
Jesus is dead, get over it, he will never 'come back.'
we still have quite a few elderly here that came in as young families in the late 1960's-early 70's because soon, yes very soon they would enter the new system and never grow old.
it's now one year away from 50 years since 1975. just in the last couple years i've seen them come down with alzheimer's, cancer, brain tumors, becoming invalid etc.
the children of them that are now around 60 are just so distraught at seeing their parents deteriorate.
Yup! and how many 'generations' have come and gone in the centuries since. And yet, untold millions (who made up the generations) have believed that it will happen "one day." Idiot christians !!!!!
not sure if this has been posted or not, apologies if it has.
i did a quick search and did not see it. -a sunshine coast jehovah’s witness figure accused of horrific sex crimes has been remanded in jail for fresh offences which allegedly occurred the same day he attended court.. and -a sunshine coast jehovah’s witness figure who allegedly used his position in the church to sexually assault young men has been arrested by police.
Considering all the accusations, I'm left wondering why this guy stayed associated with the witnesses?
You'd imagine that he could have found BDSM* groups where he could have had whatever 'satisfaction' he got from his activities.
* BDSM (if you don't know already) stands for bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism
had lunch with a friend, whose a lecturer in the accounting dept.
of one of australia's best universities.
he told me he expects to lose his job at some point in the next 5 years, as the accounting dept, will disappear, as all accounting will be done by ai programs, so why teach it.. if his fears are correct, that means that any profession that involves the mind, may one day face the same future.
A US Government report has warned that lawmakers must move quickly to avert the risk of an “extinction-level threat to the human species” caused by artificial intelligence, Time reported.
The authors of the report spoke to more than 200 government employees, experts, and workers at frontier AI companies – such as OpenAI, Google DeepMind, Anthropic and Meta – and, according to the story, came to some unsettling conclusions.
“The rise of advanced AI and AGI [artificial general intelligence] has the potential to destabilise global security in ways reminiscent of the introduction of nuclear weapons,” the report cautioned lawmakers, recommending sweeping and unprecedented policy actions that, if enacted, would radically disrupt the AI industry.
Read the full story: Time
ClIpped from Asia Financial:
again this is large topic, some of which has been discussed elsewhere on this site.
the basic question i want to discuss is the identification of the 'someone like a son of man" in daniel 7. as we all know christians understood the figure to be the messiah (christ), so the question posed is did the author intend it to be a singular personage or a collective symbol of the holy of israel as jews typically read it?
or how about the unexpected idea that the "someone like a son of man" was the very same character as the "ancient of days" in another role?.
I decided NOT to enter this discussion, beyond this post,* but if it interests you, you may find Ch.1 of Daniel Boyarin's** book, The Jewish Gospels: The Story of the Jewish Christ, informative.
* I hope no arguments are presented that may change my mind - such discussions get tedious and pointless as they discuss an imagined world, far removed from reality.
** IF your reading list is still that of an unreconstructed JW, Boyarin is described as follows: (Quote) "Daniel Boyarin is an Israeli-American historian of religion. .... citizenship. He is the Hermann P. and Sophia Taubman Professor of Talmudic Culture in the Departments of Near Eastern Studies and Rhetoric at the University of California, Berkeley."
Likely he knew more about the topic, than the late and un-revered Freddy F
new light?.
i've been crapping on the wt a lot lately, which sometimes seems a bit unfair to me, especially since i was never in, therefore i don't really have a dog in the fight.
to provide a bit of balance, i'll reminisce about the rampant prophecy speculation going on in mainstream christianity (i refuse to use the wt's pejorative term: "christendom", especially since by definition, they're part of that classification 🙄) in the 70s and 80s.
to be fair, the churches themselves had been around long enough to realise that end times interpretations are like arseholes, everybody has one.
Interesting experience, though it all escaped my memory. But what it does tend to support, is the idea that all 'xtianity' is bullshit.
everybody knows the famous "stay alive still 75" audio clip but here is a clip from 1972 with english subtitles.
harold mouritz was the branch committee member in finland when he gave this talk.
later he became the coordinator of the australian branch.
I remember Viv Mouritz. He came from a large family of JWs. His Brother, John was well know in Sydney, and another brother Doug., was a circuit overseer. There was another brother who (I seem to remember) was quite as 'faithful.'
There's a previous thread on Viv;
australia bethel had from 1938 began to make big money!
they employed many brothers.
they opened a saw mill, bakery, 20 kingdom farms, and an engineering company.
I was a kid in 1939-40 so was never near a WTS farm or even a bethel. But when I did become a JW, my father objected on the basis that that the witnesses wouldn't join the army but would sell food to soldiers in the next door army camp.
I'm not defending the the witnesses, but in the interests of 'truth' want to make a few points (that may not please all readers here).
I. The so-called kingdom farms and the road side stalls existed for some (forgotten - likely due to old age and a desire to forget all things witnessy) time before 1939. I think that refusing to serve soldiers from those camps would have been legally difficult. In fact, one brother told me that he, when young, and not a JW, when he enlisted was in Ingleburn Army camp, and had bought food at the stall, and appreciated being able to buy fresh fruit etc. So two different attitudes, my father's viewpoint and this other brother.
That said, I believe that, due to the war, and the need to train soldiers, creating more demand, the then branch (branch overseer was named Mcgiilivray* -see footnote) had added staff to cope with the demand.
Of course, there's another problem, that may have been a peculiarly Aussie problem, there wasn't a particularly high standard of morality among the witnesses at that time. I've had a few folk who worked at that stall, tell me that the brother with oversight of the stall ran an illegal SP betting shop on the side, and on saturday afternoons would retire to his office, shut the door and work on his "books."
Others who worked there also complained that they were not very well treated.
2. Why did all these things happen, one long-serving brother who transferred from Melbourne (where the branch office was previously located) when the Strathfield property was bought told me that there was no money left over. But that there was a lot of unused printing paper left over in one of the buildings and a guillotine. Someone had an idea, cut the paper up and sell it. They did and made quite a lot of money out of it.
And, that raises an aspect of the (then, anyway) Australian character - When you have a problem, 'Quit wingeing, get of your arse and do something about it." And, they did that! And, the WTS (Aussie branch) was soon involved in lots of off-christian activity.
How much commercial work was going on when Rutherford visited in 1938? Some of my informants suggest that R. was not told about the commercial activity.
Anyway, the money that was made, enabled the building of office space and much better printing facilities.
I was only new (as a JW) and somewhat alarmed by my Dad's accusations, so set out to find out what had happened. What I've said above is what I remember of it.
There were only a couple of thousand or so, witnesses in the1930's, and since the great depression (that started in the USA and badly affected Australia, In fact it was still influencing life in Aust,. in 1939) and I guess, they could not have financed anything from the membership of the time.
I've forgotten the details, but most of the property owned by the society was bequeathed in wills or gifted in some other way.
Not every witness, got involved in that commercial work. Bill Schneider, A soldier in WW1 refused to stop pioneering and take on some work that the branch wanted him to do, so he was sent to some far-western NSW town, until Knorr's visit.
Footnote: McGillivray - there's a good story about him. I found it hard to find out anything about him. His former secretary was in my first congregation and thought he was wonderful. Others blamed him for anything wrong with the witnesses in that time.
There's thread here somewhere in which I tell the story about him being shot by an Army sentry. Briefly re-capitulating. The WTS was accused in the first few years of the war of giving information to the enemy, and banned (The High court of Australia later found that the charge was false and exonerated the witnesses). But at the beginning the Army occupied the Strathfield Bethel, but the bethel family were allowed to continue living there. McGillivray came home late one night, and on being challenged by a sentry said something stupid, who promptly shot him (in the shoulder).
Footnote; My father's first job was as an apprentice, he was laid off in from that company in 1929, did a few ways to try to eke out a living and eventually got a government job (his future father-in-laws influence) His first assigned area covered an area about 20 miles long. He was given a bicycle to get around that area.