Gilbert and George !!
JoinedPosts by gingerbread
by Bob_NC infaders need a secret sign to use at the khall.
the thought came to me after reading replies to datadogs post on stopping singing at the meetings.. i can suggest a few secret signs for faders to use and to look for at the khall, but it would be better that current meeting attenders make suggestions here.
if readers on this site can agree to a secret sign to use at the meetings, just imagine the power that would have at your kingdom hall.
Elder on the doorstep
by Gorbatchov inwith a house full with relatives someone knocked at the window.. a local elder was on the doorstep.. he told me we are missed and as i could expect they worried.. i told him see you then.. my frisian blood came up and i think the elder left not that happy.. gorby.
Many elders know no boundries. Arrogant. Self-righteous.
They approach in sheep's clothing - using phrases like 'we're concerned about you' or 'just wanted to see how you're doing' or 'here's some encouragement from the Bible'.
Their real intentions are hidden - perhaps they are making an official investigation or the want to 'catch' you doing something.
When we began our fade, our fear of man came from within the congregation. Since we're past that phase, I realize that I have the power - to not open the door, answer the phone or engage in conversation.
Do The Writing Committee Believe?
by jw07 indoes anyone personally know jws serving on the writing committee?.
what is their outlook regarding the end; are they still truly convinced?.
are they expressing doubts or seem demotivated?.
They believe that God directs the GB (man behind the curtain) and the 'reinterpretations' that it renders as new light and new rules.
Remember that Barbara Anderson was part of this group and, according to her account, she suppressed her questionings and doubts for years. Only later, when she was able to get physically away from Bethel, could she confront these serious concerns head-on.
This years Memorial talk outline
by gingerbread inperhaps i've missed seeing it.... can anyone provide a scan or link to the 2014 memorial talk and the following sunday's public 'special talk'?.
Perhaps I've missed seeing it...
Can anyone provide a scan or link to the 2014 Memorial talk and the following Sunday's public 'Special Talk'?
Ray Franz
by thedog1 inam reading coc at the moment, about half way through.
just finished reading some of the details of what happened in malawi and mexico years ago.
which reminded me that in the early 80's a very well known elder in the country i was then living in went to new york as he had discovered all the discrepencies between what had happened in malawi and in mexico and wanted to know what the gb had to say about it.
At almost every meeting in the early 1970's we mentioned the 'brothers in Malawi'. Few, if any, in the congregations knew about the situation in Mexico. When a person is force fed information at the exclusion of other news this is what happens.
As Ray Franz makes very clear, the Governing Body acts deliberately and with cold precision about dispersing information. The appearance of the Organization is first and foremost.
The question I ask family and friends when the topic of 'persecution' comes up is "what good did that do?". What good does imprisonment, beatings, tar and feathering, raping, killing, beheadings, lynchings or hangings accomplish?
Nothing for the individuals and their loved ones.
Everything for the Organization - to grow a 'persecution complex' and generate publicity.
It will happen again. Mark my word.
Critical Differences: JW's Today Vs The Past
by metatron injehovah's witnesses have always been a fringe, anti-intellectual movement, almost by definition.
there is nothing new about faddish health concerns, attitudes that ignore history and science or even beliefs that defy common sense ( false prophecy for what, 130+ years?).
however, there are two differences with jw's of the past that will prove critical for the survival of the organization today.. 1) poor financial conditions - in the past, it was possible to hold all sorts of nonsensical beliefs and still be a functional member of the human race, generally.
@ Old Goat "The Watchtower thinks you're stupid". Right you are sir!
The WT organization has cultivated a population of obedient, mindless servants who look to them for understanding of all world events.
The leadership crafts the blinders and puts it on the local elders (who humbly kneel to accept this resposiblity with honor). The elders in turn impose this on their own families and the members of the congregation. Parents imitate this 'correct' behavior modification method on their children.
Worship the Governing Body. Worship the Mother Organization. Parents "give your children up to WT's Moloch".
Critical Differences: JW's Today Vs The Past
by metatron injehovah's witnesses have always been a fringe, anti-intellectual movement, almost by definition.
there is nothing new about faddish health concerns, attitudes that ignore history and science or even beliefs that defy common sense ( false prophecy for what, 130+ years?).
however, there are two differences with jw's of the past that will prove critical for the survival of the organization today.. 1) poor financial conditions - in the past, it was possible to hold all sorts of nonsensical beliefs and still be a functional member of the human race, generally.
The obvious change in the WT mission over the past three decades is from outward looking proselytizing approach to an emphasis on inward looking control methods.
Field service is a monthly obligation to maintain the status of being viewed as 'good association'.
Full time Pioneering is no longer about bringing in individuals and families to the the point of baptism; but rather "how Pioneering benefits you spiritually".
The focus of this religion has changed from 'how we can share the good news with our neighbors' to how the members need to obey and support the Organizational structure.
Need an ex-elder or someone who knows
by Roberta804 init has been a long time since i have been here, but i need you guys now.
my mother-in-law is on her death been; most likely will not make it though the night.
my husband and i have sat with her for the past two days, she is totally unconcious.
Roberta -
Remember that dealing with the death of a loved one is traumatic on most levels. By way of your description, it sounds as if the family may have it's greater than fair share of disfunction.
Without knowing all of the family history, remember that this is their mother. The last word on matters for funeral arrangements and what remains of the estate falls on the natural children. Sometimes it's best to keep out of this discussion - with this being your mother-in-law.
Also remember that people don't choose to become 'drunks'. They drink heavy or become alcoholics because they have unresolved problems in their lives. I would suggest that you keep this negative side of their personalities out of your mind during this stressful time.
Death can divide families. It can also provide the opportunity to mend emotional fences, to apologize, to forgive and to support one another.
Need an ex-elder or someone who knows
by Roberta804 init has been a long time since i have been here, but i need you guys now.
my mother-in-law is on her death been; most likely will not make it though the night.
my husband and i have sat with her for the past two days, she is totally unconcious.
They won't hold the funeral in the Kingdom Hall.
A 'brother' can give the funeral talk at a funeral home - maybe someone that the family is still aquainted with. This would be seen as an opportunity to 're-ignite' the family back into JW activity.
Prepare for shunning if you're disfellowshipped...or love bombed if you quietly went inactive 30 years ago.
Is it all about the money?
by Laika inoften on this forum there are posts about how the gb are obsessed with money and some people here often suggest this impacts every decision the gb makes i.e.
on my holiday thread it was suggested jws aren't allowed to celebrate holidays as it means spending money on presents that they want for themselves.. i however, do not think this is at all true.
the society rarely talks about money and as a percentage of income i think the vast majority of jws contribute a very small amount simply because the society rarely talk about it.. obviously money is important to the society in the sense that they couldn't run a major organisation without it, so they have to ask for it at times and factor it in to some of their decision making, but actually the gb live quite frugally and seem to worry much more about clinging to their authority and power than getting rich.. my controversial suggestion of the day is that saying the gb are obsessed with money must make us look silly to lurkers.. what does the jwn intellegentsia think then?.
WT's Governing Body is like the man behind the curtain operating the "Wizard" - the non-questioning JW members and the GB believe that the Org. is really Jehovah God. They believe their own fantasy and will maintain it's existence at all costs.
The individual GB lives as a volunteer 'minister' - they don't live like the religious super-rich. Oh yeah, they wear a nice suit and a visit the Branches around the world, but they're not living the highlife. They live off of handouts and favors.
The investments, real estate sales and building construction might be taken - by the average, working class citizen - as a sign that the WT is LOADED...
The strength of the financial position of the Org. is tenuous - it can't afford to lose court cases or keep aging Brooklyn properties up to NYC codes forever. The corp. is downsizing or "streamlining"... to save itself.