Just back from the meeting here too. It didn't help that the WT conductor is a complete moron. Forget about trying to nail down what the Watchtower is saying - he could barely pronounce the word "clarifications" - I was having a good chuckle to myself.
Much the same as has already been said - total acceptance and answered with enthusiasm. Surprisingly the older ones were probably the most enthusiastic, as if what they had really believed all along has finally been vindicated. I can only hope it was ringing alarm bells for younger ones.
As far as comments not being forthcoming, it's was a bit difficult to tell as the congregation here is very bad normally anyway!
Some of the most "cult-ish" bits for me were paragraphs where the questions were basically: "what did you believe when you got up this morning?" and "what do you believe now?" - it was basically saying: "let us do all the thinking for you".
The conductors final comments just topped it off for me, where he said: "...it's quite encouraging to see these clarifications - they're very simple and very straightforward, so please read up on them again if we're not sure what some of the points are. But we're very grateful to the faithful slave for providing us food at the proper time."