Oh, does saying "hello" at the meetings count as a sheperding visit now then? These elders have it so easy...
Posts by 88JM
Four BOE Letters
by pixel infour boe letters.
read and discuss:.
requesting where can we find answers to lifes big questions?
NEW BOE LETTER - It just got exponentially harder to "fade"
by sir82 inhere is the text of the letter:.
february 2, 2014. .
your brothers,.
It's sad that the "true religion" needs a letter in writing to tell it's elders to talk to people. Whatever happened to being motivated by love?
Four BOE Letters
by pixel infour boe letters.
read and discuss:.
requesting where can we find answers to lifes big questions?
So that's a double tract campaign in August for the whole of the UK at least then.
Even so, we cannot view shepherding simply as a program that involves making a “shepherding call” once a month.
Do they seriously think publishers are getting visited once a month? You're "lucky" in most congregations to get visited once a year!
(Or do they mean elders doing one sheperding visit per month to different people? That would mean only 12 people get a sheperding visit per year?) -
Growing a beard!!
by ILoveTTATT ini am doing one of my dreams for a while: growing a beard.
it may not seem like much, but it's quite the experience for me.
it's probably a rite of passage from jw to exjw lol.. besides the itchyness, i hate it that it curls so much (i have hairs that naturally start to curl after a certain length).. anyone here have tips on taking care of a beard?
Do you think any guy can wear a beard and make it look good though?
Personally I think stubble growth starts to make my face look "tired", certainly after a few days, though other people say it suits me.
I have quite a "round" face - not the square chiseled jaw I always wanted! I've thought about going for the stubbled look, but maybe I'm too young, or maybe I just don't have the face to suit it. Maybe it would be too much maintainance anyway.
Its a "business" not an evangelical center!
by Atlantis inits a "business" not an evangelical centre!.http://www.essexchronicle.co.uk/council-lleader-urges-sceptics-welcome-jehovah-s/story-20528438-detail/story.html.nevada
One member of the ex-JW Facebook groups comment got taken down by reason that is was against their guidelines, supposedly attacking a religion. It was a bit strong, mind you - borderline I would say.
Its a "business" not an evangelical center!
by Atlantis inits a "business" not an evangelical centre!.http://www.essexchronicle.co.uk/council-lleader-urges-sceptics-welcome-jehovah-s/story-20528438-detail/story.html.nevada
I don't think the community realises it will also result in a massive influx of JWs in the area, and therefore knocking on people's doors a lot more. Many of of the comments on the article seem to be along the lines of: "it's fine as long as they leave us alone and don't bother anybody". I think that person is in for a shock.
Satan And The Demons
by sojourner7 ingreetings.. i was wondering if someone could tell me according to wt theology, what happens to satan and the demons?
are they also annihilated or do they experience eternal punishment?
Their explanation of Revelation 20:10 is weak-ass - they pretty much dodge the "eternal torment" aspect
Don't Question GOD! (aka the governing body)
by sunny23 indid a simple search in the wt library for words like, "question," "questioning," "doubts/ing,"obey," "understand.".
these are listed in order of occurence oldest to newest (up to 2012 as my library is 2012 version).
"if we have love for jehovah and for the organization of his people we shall not be suspicious, but shall, as the bible says, 'believe all things,' all the things that the watchtower brings out"qualified to be ministers (1955) p.156.
What does the GB need with a star-ship?
British museum bible tours
by inbetween invisiting london years ago i had the chance to participate on a bible tour arranged from bethel.
what i remember, it was one out of 12 topics, and a brother or sister served as a guide, showing particular objects related to bible accounts.. at that time, i was quite enthusiastic about it, thinking i learned something valuable.. .
now, being awake to ttatt, i wonder what real scientific value those tours served.. or rather it raises the suspicion, that those tours are for visiting witnesses in order to distract them from many other finds in the museum, that would disprove either the bible or their own theology.. anybody ever made such a tour ?.
I seem to reacall a thread on here where one of those tours was a wake-up to TTAT for one poster - something about 607 not being mentioned in the British Museum!
What is with the WT obsession with King David??
by BU2B init seems like at least once a month he is brought up as a good example in the study wt.
it seems like he is given more praise than jesus.
have you noticed this?
I don't want to worship a God that is fine with wicked King David, but will kill someone for picking up wood on the wrong day - Numbers 15:32-35.