I don't know how much it would factor in, but another thing would be that a few JWs in Britain probably also went to the other international conventions elsewhere in the world and did not attend the one in Britain. I'm not sure how big that number would be though - they would need to be fairly well-off, although the bookings are more left up to the publisher with this latest round of conventions instead of an expensive pre-arranged travel package.
Posts by 88JM
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
by BucketShopBill inwant to know how a lie can turn into a compliment?
only in the jw mindset!!!.
we got called into the dreaded back room after meeting to find two elders wanting to discuss a 'serious' matter with us.
Thinking about it, I don't ever recall hearing of anyone getting counselled for slander. At worst, it's usually passed off as gossip, and maybe ends up as a local needs item for the whole congregation.
Like your story, it always seems to be the one being slandered that gets painted as the bad guy. Elders are notoriously bad for not admitting when they're wrong. I think they must think that showing any weakness might stumble someone, coming from "Jehovah's representatives", or maybe they're just too proud. Lack of apologizing is a problem that goes all the way to the top as we all know though.
Service Meeting Adjustment w/c 1st September
by konceptual99 inprobably nothing of major note but there is an adjustment to the service meeting of w/c 1st september to allow for a 15 min local needs the society have asked the elders to deliver.
this is in uk and i've no idea if it affects other regions.. if it's uk only then i suspect it's either specifically about donations or more likely the status of the new branch facility, asking for volunteers/money.
given that the elder delivering it in our hall is prominent on the local rbc then i suspect the latter.. .
15 minutes on financial stuff seems a bit much if it really was to be that. A JW.org worshipping talk seems much more likely.
If it was a change in the charities arrangement, I think there would be different instructions for Scotland, as things are a bit different up here.
If it's a JW.org talk, it could also be incorporating instructions for the cart witnessing.
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
George? Who the hell is George lol
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
Thank you for providing the final attendance number for England: 149,174.
Does that include attendance numbers for Wales and Scotland?
Yes, I can verify that it includes Wales, Scotland and Ireland - the same number was announced in Scotland (watching the same live feed). They actually announced the numbers for each individual convention (someone probably has those if you are interested) - so there was no fudging going on. Keeping in mind that Twickenham was an international convention, so the grand total is quite a bit larger than a normal year for Britain - you can't really use it to calculate growth percentages (as I've seen some doing) as it includes international delegates as well as many many children who would not be counted as publishers in the "official" statistics report that is produced. Sadly, it does mean that percentage figure will probably be a bit higher. There is also still the last convention in Coventry still to go, so sadly more baptisms to add to that figure as well :(
“This is an organization that has an apocalyptic end-of-days strategic vision that will eventually have to be defeated."
by kneehighmiah inthis is an organization that has an apocalyptic end-of-days strategic vision that will eventually have to be defeated, general martin e. dempsey, u.s. chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, said on thursday.. .
he sounds like he's talking about jws.
but he's actually referring to isis.
It seems like ISIS are one more in a long history of fanatical splinter groups from mainstream Islam and have also pitted themselves against other splinter groups like Al Qaeda, who consider them an enemy.
Maybe ISIS itself will splinter - it's not uncommon for in-fighting within these groups to happen when there is disagreement. The situation is already very messy, with fighting between so many sides, but I can see it getting even worse if more splinter groups set themselves against each other.
jw apps spying on us?
by purrpurr inhi everyone i'm back from the hell that was twickers.
i have a question, there's a ton a jw related apps available for download.
is it possible for these apps to be able to spy on the user once downloaded on to the tablet or phone?
Apps do have to go through an approval process to be on the Android Store (Google Play) or the Apple Store/iTunes. If anyone is an app developer, you will know that even the simplest apps go through this process and are tested just as thoroughly by Google and Apple.
If there was anything dodgy going on that wasn't part of the app specifications then it would be shown up in that process. There are far more malocious people than the WTBTS who would love to create apps to spy on you and steal your data, so Google and Apple have to have a pretty rigorous process to stop that.
The worst I can imagine the WTBTS doing is storing the ID and/or location of your phone against a database of any searches you make on the online library, but even that would require way too much computing power and storage space to justify what could be done with that info.
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
"The worst bit was the resurrection video. To play on peoples' emotions like that is simply wrong."
SO many people were talking about THAT video after the convention. I actually found the experience quite disturbing and I can't quite put my finger on it. The video was without any dialogue I think, and not very long, but for some reason it was enough to move almost everyone close to tears. I felt weird that I seemed to be the only one around me not visibly moved by such a blatent appeal to emotion. I wouldn't know how to accurately identify mass hysteria, but that seemed pretty damn close to it.
The thing is though, it clearly had the desired effect it's creators intended, and people kept talking about it. I can see them repeating this strategy much more in future.
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
Jeez who's idea was it to put John Andrews on Sunday afternoon after lunch when everyone is already asleep - it seems like he's just rambling, even worse than Sam Herd. I think he's modelling his hairstyle on David Splane though.
Now its the "drama". Can't say I'm all that keen on it just being a video. I know the stage stuff was a bit corny and with bad voice-overs but somehow it was far more engaging at least. The video seems to be such boring camera work - I guess they couldn't afford steadicam.
The long weekend of B.S begins - UK.
by quellycatface inisn't going to be wonderful??.
not being there..
Haha no bigmac - its a roman sculpture of two people wrestling - an apt metaphor I thought. I think its a copy of a Rodin sculpture - I came across it at a country estate house in Ireland.
In other news, the convention BS continues.
They said "everyone spoke Hebrew before the tower of Babel". No attempt to back it up of course.
They did a "cuddle with lions and tigers" in the new system talk with a very awkward and unrealistic conversation of some teenagers discussing their ideas for the new system.
Now they're doing a talk about "new scrolls" from a verse that doesn't even say "new scolls", and just making up crap that these imaginary new scrolls might contain.
The B.S. is coming thick and fast this morning...