Okay, if we are going to go there...
I don't doubt that many child abusers have homosexual or bisexual orientations. At the same time, I'm sure other child abusers are entirely heterosexual too.
I also don't deny that the orientations of child abusers may even be far more often homosexual or bisexual than the general population distribution. I think there are valid arguments that their environment, upbringing and attitudes of society around them and towards the feelings they held could partly be to blame for their choices later in life to abuse children, or have a view that there is nothing wrong with sexual activity with minors. There are studies that support the idea that many child abusers were abused themselves when they were younger - again, I'm not saying we should start suspecting the parents of all child abusers, but it could be a contributing factor in some cases.
Along with many people though, I'm just uncomfortable with the implication that putting ALL homosexual and bisexual people always in the same basket as child abusers gives - that it implies ALL homosexual people are just potential child abusers who haven't had the opportunity yet, and also that all homosexual or bisexual people have an "unusual view of sex". Child abusers may happen to be homosexual, but it wasn't their homosexuality by itself that caused them to abuse children.