Wow this is early! Thanks.
Posts by 88JM
Watchtower Library 2014
by wifibandit in.
After Mar 15 WT, who NOW is represented by the Wise Virgins??
by hamsterbait init used to be that the master "arrived in 1918" and the virgins put their lamps in order.
according to the noolite, the arrival is yet future.
however, the gibbering buddies now insist that the annointed have not fallen asleep, but stayed awake up until now.
88JM the idea still stands
Are you sure?
I thought it used to be because they claimed there was a first-century "faithful and discreet slave" and from there they claimed an unbroken line of anointed for God to make sure there was always some kind of "faithful and discreet slave" on the earth, which gave C.T. Russell and his pals some legitimacy.
But with that March series of articles, even Russell got thrown under the bus - he wasn't part of the "faithful and discreet slave" - and there now was no slave before 1919, when they now say the slave was appointed. Therefore, they no longer do (or they no longer need to) claim an unbroken line of anointed?
Maybe they didn't explicitly do away with the idea in the articles (which they never do with anything - it just gets "overwritten" by "noo lite") but they have done away with the need for the idea of being an unbroken line? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Why the hell am I trying to make sense of this garbage...
Public Speaker Training stifled by wt, it's new 'school' programme.
by prologos inthe 2015 school setup, discussed this week eliminates the last "school talk" by brothers in favour of 'demonstartions" (a la sisters conversations) of family worship sessions and the like.. is this not a shift away from encouraging bright young ones to hone their (under-estimated) speaker skills ---to.
now using more of the die-hard, org-bound, --even elders in indoctrination demonstrations?.
do you see this trend?
They have "demonstrations" of how to have "Family Worship"?!?!?
I'm sure many can remember years ago when the book study was still going and meetings were much longer, despite the constant nagging at meetings about having a family study, very few families actually did it.
I think they were trying not to let the same thing happen with the family worship night - the C.O.'s have been nagging the Ministerial Servants and Elders to set an example and also mention family worship in their talks. Reports C.O.'s are getting indicate (unsurprisingly) that not many families are following through with it, and single people are basically ignored so they certainly don't bother.
As a single person, I personally found most of the time and items spent at meetings talking about family worship a total waste, depressing and insulting, as it was all geared towards families, and making things more interesting for kids.
After Mar 15 WT, who NOW is represented by the Wise Virgins??
by hamsterbait init used to be that the master "arrived in 1918" and the virgins put their lamps in order.
according to the noolite, the arrival is yet future.
however, the gibbering buddies now insist that the annointed have not fallen asleep, but stayed awake up until now.
What a mess. But as I recall from those series of articles, didn't it do away with the idea of an "unbroken line of anointed" through history? Where do they say the anointed didn't fall asleep (yet)?
Public Speaker Training stifled by wt, it's new 'school' programme.
by prologos inthe 2015 school setup, discussed this week eliminates the last "school talk" by brothers in favour of 'demonstartions" (a la sisters conversations) of family worship sessions and the like.. is this not a shift away from encouraging bright young ones to hone their (under-estimated) speaker skills ---to.
now using more of the die-hard, org-bound, --even elders in indoctrination demonstrations?.
do you see this trend?
Ironically, I dare say you'd hear longer passages of scripture read at one of "Christendom's" churches.
Elders removed in Northern PA. Congregation
by ToesUp ina close family member just informed me what happened during their last c.o.
this occurred 3 months ago.
I really wonder what kind of ass-kissing elders they get to replace these guys?
How do they manage to convince them to move/step in to sort things out? Threaten? Bribe?
Surely the guys who replace them must know why they stepped down?
AAWA activists burst into a Kingdom Hall in Kent!
by raymond frantz inaawa activists burst into a kingdom hall in kent.
It may seem corny, but I think the best policy is embodied in this quotation:
It's funny - I actually heard that maxim used in a public talk at one of the meetings recently. I can't remember the justification for it, but obviously it was abusurd to hear it coming from a JW!
crisis of conscience
by venting inif you were going to skip some parts of this book which ones would they be?
whats the best part?
i know i sound lazy, but i can't read this in bed next to my wife.
I think it's done over 2 chapters, but the most enlightening part for me was where he highlights the hypocrisy of the Mexico/Malawi situation.
AAWA activists burst into a Kingdom Hall in Kent!
by raymond frantz inaawa activists burst into a kingdom hall in kent.
Jesus didn't go "undercover" to point out the hypocrisy and injustices of the Temple Scribes and Pharisees of His day, did He? Didn't he actually go and turn tables up on them?
As I recall, it didn't work very well for Jesus either, as he had to go do it on two occasions. Maybe he gave them a persecution complex as well, so they just went right back to it.
I presume he did it out of principle and being moved to do so emotionally, rather than the misguided belief that his actions would actually stop people doing what they were doing.
Headquarters representatives visit to UK 2015
by Saltheart Foamfollower ina letter is to be read out at service meetings this week in the uk saying that sam herd & john larson are visiting next april.
on sat 25th there will be a 3 hour programme streamed to all congs.
the postscript (not to be read out) instructs congs that haven't already done so, to order the necessary equipment.
If there are any halls left that they haven't sold off by then. I guess it might be like a "thanks for giving us all your money" speech. Or knowing the WTBTS, more like: "are you sure that was all of the money? did you try down the back of the couch?"