As I recall from other threads, during the Knorr-era, they considered linking "great signs from heaven" to the launch of Sputnik, but had a change of mind and decided not to run with that idea.
Posts by 88JM
Thowing a monkey wrench in jw doctrine
by runForever in1) the signs of the times are qualified:.
luke 21:.
then he said to them: nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
New UK Bethel location
by Saltheart Foamfollower innot seen this mentioned yet - a letter was read out saying that the uk bethel is probably moving to west hanningfield near chelmsford, essex depending on all of the legal matters going through.
the letter also said not to visit the site as it would annoy nearby businesses.
no more mention yet of begging for funds.
Witness My Fury - I hate to burst the bubble, but from reading the other threads it seems likely that it's a bit too late to lodge any kind of planning objection. It sounds like things are already well underway - I imagine someone doesn't sign an agreement to 80 acres without some sort of assurance already. Local businesses will probably be rubbing their hands together in glee at the business this will bring them. Strip clubs come to mind for some reason...
Breaking News - WT Sign for a New Site.
by Slidin Fast inbulletin.
the wt has signed an agreement subject to ... blah, blah for an 80 acre site near chelmsford in essex.
they have just though bought new accomodation in mill hill.
I could still see them shutting things down in Mill Hill, even if they are buying new properties there.
One thing to explain that would be if they are wanting to sell the Bethel flats out at Finchley - that would instantly displace a large number of Bethelites, though they will likely be glad to see those flats go, and Bethel will be glad to be rid of the flats as well, and be rid of a source of many London Bethel problems. Buying properties closer to home in Mill Hill will act as a bit of a "buffer" if they sell the flats, and property around Mill Hill is still probably a good investment anyway regardless.
New UK Bethel location
by Saltheart Foamfollower innot seen this mentioned yet - a letter was read out saying that the uk bethel is probably moving to west hanningfield near chelmsford, essex depending on all of the legal matters going through.
the letter also said not to visit the site as it would annoy nearby businesses.
no more mention yet of begging for funds.
You nearly got there first Saltheart Foamfollower except:
Breaking News - WT Sign for a New Site.
by Slidin Fast inbulletin.
the wt has signed an agreement subject to ... blah, blah for an 80 acre site near chelmsford in essex.
they have just though bought new accomodation in mill hill.
80 acres? That seems quite a lot - even with new resedential blocks, which will presumably be mostly apartment blocks rather than the plush Mill Hill villas they have at the moment.
Maybe with that much space it will even be a Bethel + Assembly/Kindgdom Hall complex?
What about the presumed exodus of Bethelites in the north London congregations? Won't those congregations be much smaller and with far fewer appointed men? I know they have lots of halls shared by 2, 3+ congregations so maybe they'll be glad for the space though, or they'll just merge. So what about the Chelmsford/Essex Congregations? Are they aware they will be getting a huge influx of bethelites? Will they be splitting up?
A little gem from the latest WT
by dmouse in.
it never ceases to amaze me the propensity that the wbts has of seeing the straw in someone else's eye but not the rafter in their own.
this little gem is from the latest july 15th watchtower, page 22. .
I just came across this great gem as well. A search on the forum seems to not indicate it's not so well known.
Also I think it's worth posting the paragraph that is 3 paragraphs down from the one in the last post. (make sure you check that out too!)
I was just going to put the last line here, but that would be taking it out of context. Still, if you just read the last line in bold, it's still a pretty great quote!
*** w03 7/15 p. 23 Think Straight—Act Wisely ***
It is especially important to let God’s thoughts guide our thinking in times of stress or danger. Strong emotions like anger or fear can make it difficult to think straight. “Oppression may make a wise one act crazy,” says Solomon. (Ecclesiastes 7:7) It is even possible to become “enraged against Jehovah himself.” (Proverbs 19:3) How? By blaming God for our problems and using them to justify doing things that are out of harmony with his laws and principles. Instead of thinking that we always know best, may we humbly listen to wise counselors who seek to help us by using the Scriptures. And if necessary, let us be prepared to abandon even strongly held points of view when it becomes evident that they are mistaken.—Proverbs 1:1-5; 15:22. -
Some funny/curious quotes from the 2013 Yearbook (part 1)
by cedars ini just thought i'd amuse myself by seeing what madness awaits in the new 2013 yearbook.. you might like to read some of the gems i've uncovered.... .
"true christians are soon to cross into the promised new world, so they need to be courageous and strong.
how soon are we talking about?
Hey Ste :)
Yeah - it's actually an unwritten rule that even regardless of any gender reassignment the person has had done, you will be ""baptized" as the "gender"" you were at birth. (Whatever that even means I don't know - apart from the order they do it (males first) and the announcement(s) made after, I'm not sure how they actually baptize women any differently from men?)
Just wanting clarification on the RBC
by joe134cd ini have been reading threads about how the rbc operates, so i sort of have a fair idea of what the answers will be.
but i would like to have a more direct answer to my questions.. where do the orders come from that a hall is in need of a remodel, or a new one to be built.. can the elders refuse a remodel or quickly built.. out side contractors are only allowed with rbc approval.
what are the consequences if say a kh needed a new roof, and secular contractor was hired.. is it a case that orders a given that a hall needs a remodel, and that the rbc will have total control, and look out for who ever gets in the way, and elders just have to simply comply.. this is the question i most want answered.
Can the elders refuse a remodel or quickly built?
I seem to recall a thread on here with a story about a local body of elders pushing back against the C.O. who was suggesting a rebuild? I don't mean like Menlo Park, but a similar kind of thing.
EDIT: Not the one, but good thread here:
Typo In the Bible Thread?
by Suspicious ini remember a thread popped up a while ago where their was a mistake in the subtible at the top of the page (ei: luke 1:25-53).
it's in the new revised bible.
i thought it was in the book of mark but i'm not sure.
At the time of writing, this typo is also in the PDF version
I thought they fixed the PDF version on the site? It was there initially though, yeah.
If there's anything that convinces a Christian the Bible isn't infallible...
by ilikecheese init's got to be reading the old testament.
that is some messed up sh!t.. .
your choices are basically to think it's based on things that happened but men's version of events, there is tons of allegory, that it's just a bunch of made up nonsense, or to rip those parts of your bible out and pretend they don't exist.. .
OT God says murder, adultery and genocide are forgiveable (even advocated sometimes), but go out to pick up sticks on the wrong day and you're toast