I'm not an expert, but have been keenly observing this. First, we do not know what the cause of the explosion was, evidence points to a Ukrianian fighter jet missle. (dispite what the media is saying) Here is a good information source. There is graphic video of the crash site, but it is too gorey to post here. Most of the evidence on flight 93 is not available, however I think a straight crash into the ground would obliteate a lot, including bodies. An example is the Jenni Rivera crash, where there was only tiny peices of debris (and her body). In looking at the mh17 debris and bodys, it would seem that after a catostrophic explosion, the airplane was ripped apart going over 500mph. Although they would pass out instantly, that speed is over double of the worst tornado. Many even had their clothing ripped from them. The seats, belts, everything was torn up, they were long dead before they hit the ground. However, there were some that were clothed and still in tact, considering they hit the ground at appx. 200mph. I'm sure if you googled, you would find the 2 videos. They are not for the faint. I even hope this post was not too graphic