This is too funny, its almost unbelievable.
Q: Why do snakes have venomous fangs?
A: I can't answer that, so don't ask it!
Q: How is it that animals who are strictly carnivores ate veggies before the flood?
A: Well, they must have ate veggies on the Ark, because there was no refridgeration on the ark to keep the meat fresh for a year. Therefore they must have eaten veggies. If they can eat veggies for a while year, whats to say they didn't eat veggies before then?
This almost beats the answer I recieved when I asked an elder about the snake venom and fangs. He said thats what we see the snake using its teeth for today. Whose to say what he used them for before. Perhaps he injected the venom into apples to make them fall from the tree so he can eat them. I started laughing.... Needless to say, that was their last attempt to bring me back into the troof.