JoinedTopics Started by truthseeker1
Central CA earthquake
by truthseeker1 in
just felt like someone was pushing my chair first i thought deminz!!!
lol, not really..
Not to bring up the past, but this is just too funny to igonre
by truthseeker1 in
simon actually wants to move to the usa!
well, that was back in the dub hey...its still funny!
I hate doing this myself, but....
by truthseeker1 in.
happy birthday, to me.. happy birthday, to me.. happy birthday, to mee-ee.. happy birthday, to me.. .
My coffee tastes like poo poo
by truthseeker1 inthe coffee at the hospital i work at is usually pretty good.
better yet, its free.
but today it is yuckie!
MTV Road Rules has an ex-JW
by truthseeker1 inmy gf was watching road rules on mtv (i was busy doing something else, thank god!
) and i overheard the new person say she was raised a jw but when she got raped by a church member and nothing was done about it, she stopped going.
she said her parents split up and no longer go to meetings earlier.
Be careful with patient information
by truthseeker1 ini know a recent thread here had to do with releasing health info, which is covered by hipaa laws here in the us.
here is the first convition regarding the violation of hipaa regulations.
if you have access to phi, please don't do anything bad with it ;).
What musician/band/preformer comes to mind when you think of some posters?
by truthseeker1 ini can't help but think of bands when i think of a few people who post here..... chev - sublime.
xlaurax - brittney spears.
valis - rob zombie.
Do you think this would work?
by truthseeker1 inthis just popped in my head, wondering what to say if a jw came to the door.
if you asked them politly to take the trash out (you bring it to the door for them so you don't have to invite them in), would they?
they are there to give a good witness, right?