My answer to question 3:- I have no idea if kramer’s anecdotal evidence is true [of JWs] ...
Giles, this is correct.
However, I have no reason to doubt [he was referring to what he has seen from JWs] ...
This is incorrect. The cult literally teaches that doing good to the materially less fortunate is only a very temporary fix, and that time and resources would be better utilized in the preaching and teaching or in funding the worldwide work of Jehovah's Witnesses.
If you are aware that is what the cult teaches, you have very sound reason to doubt Kramer.
What's more, if you believe these 5 JWs in the photograph are typical "faithful JWs" who, at very least, follow the encouragement received from the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses while they are in each other's presence, you have every reason in the world to seriously doubt the veracity of Kramer's claim as applicable to JWs. His claim was not specifically about JWs (if you notice carefully). His claim was specifically about "the charities," which explicitly disqualifies JWs as being referenced. Kramer may not know that concept would not include JWs, but whether or not Kramer knows that is immaterial ... because you know it.
... although it would require further verification before I could even think about passing judgement on the Jehovah’s Witnesses in that photograph.
"Further verification" of what? That they have invaded this homeless man's personal space?
M'kay, if you say so.
If we assume for a moment that kramer’s anecdotal evidence is true [of JWs] ...
... then we're doing so by ignoring the very sound reasons to doubt that he was talking explicitly about what he's seen from local JWs.
If we assume for a moment that kramer’s anecdotal evidence ... is applicable to the 5 JWs in that photograph ...
1) Why should anyone assume that Kramer's anecdotal "evidence" that we inexplicably assumed is true of his local JWs, is also applicable to the 5 JWs in that photograph?
2) If Kramer's anecdote is true of his local JWs—as unlikely as that is—then the 5 JWs in that photograph spoke to the man and brought him coffee, and callously invaded his personal space to engage in their cult propaganda work. The homeless man's choices were more limited than their choices.
The JWs weren't choosing between rain and crowding under this man's shelter, they were choosing between crowding under this man's shelter and abandoning the work of spreading their cult propaganda on that rainy day. They chose callously. The picture shows that calloused choice they made.
You guys sure are hasty to judge people for their social media opinions. I recommend you and Drearyweather avoid Facebook and Twitter, dare I say, religiously.