Bravo for you MM!!!
After 40 years as a JW, I too found the joy of NOT having to hide the trapings of the holidays. I was divorced from my ex and remarried a wonderful woman who absolutely loves Christmas and everything that comes with it. I have an older son, 38 who is still active, he knows we celebrate, but, he is not condemnatory of me, and actually doesn't say anything, he's a GOOD son. My younger son, 34, is no longer active, comes over for the holidays and enjoys receiving gifts, actually brings us gifts now. Once you make the break from those who don't appreciate you as a PERSON, the happier you will be.
As a child being raised as a JW, yes, as expressed just now, it was very difficult to NOT be involved with my classmates and the overall experience of being included in the holiday events. We missed out on a lot of good, meaningful interactions. Ya, and this business that JW children don't lack for things given to them during the year, BUNK!! That's not the point JW parents! Once again, the twisted reasoning of the WTS stunts the ideological and psycholical growth of those in their most formative years.
As has been expressed many times here in the past, those of us who were raised as JW's always missed out on a LOT of life's experiences and POSITIVE learning traits. I say this because as JW children, the positive action of learning to give and receieve gifts graciously is lost on them for, their parents do not teach them this. having been raised from the age of 5 as a JW, I had a very hard time and still do in recieving a gift from someone, it wasn't taught to me just how to recieve them. What a pitty for all of us!
May you anad yours have a very Merry Christmas