Sorry, it only partially worked.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
my husband opened up pandora's box with his mom today.
now she wants to come over this weekend to find out why we do not believe this is the truth anymore.
she is a die-hard witness who eats, sleeps, breathes, "the truth.".
Sorry, it only partially worked.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
my husband opened up pandora's box with his mom today.
now she wants to come over this weekend to find out why we do not believe this is the truth anymore.
she is a die-hard witness who eats, sleeps, breathes, "the truth.".
I think I found it, will try to paste it here.
Don't know if it worked, if not, I will delete this.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
my husband opened up pandora's box with his mom today.
now she wants to come over this weekend to find out why we do not believe this is the truth anymore.
she is a die-hard witness who eats, sleeps, breathes, "the truth.".
I looked for it but could not find.
I know that one of the things she will use in her and the Society's defense is the "new light" theory. I would really love to blow that one away.
I am going to ask her to prove to us from the scriptures that Jehovah is using the GB as his faithful and discreet slave. I plan on stopping her dead in her tracks as soon as she starts quoting anything from the WT, I want to see the scriptural backing. Any ammunition for this one would be appreciated.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
my husband opened up pandora's box with his mom today.
now she wants to come over this weekend to find out why we do not believe this is the truth anymore.
she is a die-hard witness who eats, sleeps, breathes, "the truth.".
My husband opened up Pandora's box with his mom today. Now she wants to come over this weekend to find out why we do not believe this is the truth anymore. She is a die-hard witness who eats, sleeps, breathes, "the truth."
I'm trying to compile a few items that will explain our position. There are so many to choose from, but, I need solid evidence that it is not the truth. If it even smells of apostasy, she will put the blinders back on. It's a long shot, but if there is a slim chance that something we say will reach her heart, I would like to try. I doubt if that will happen and ultimately she may turn us into the elders, and if so, so be it.
So, my dear friends, I am looking for things that she cannot dispute. I am especially interested in hearing from those who were once elders, mininsterial servants and pioneers as to what it was that convinced you that the JW's did not have the truth. I am also looking for scriptures to compare with one another to maybe help her see that maybe, just maybe, the witnesses do not have the truth.
I am going to spend the next couple of days searching Freeminds website as I know Randy has lots of good information. I have put so much into my brain the past couple of years, it's so hard for me to formulate anything logical right now.
Thank you in advance, as I know you guys will come through for me. Feel free to e-mail me if you want.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
if you are a lurking circuit overseer, or you know a.
c.o., you might want to think about updating .
resumes - or getting help with a career change.. why?.
Of course the phasing out of CO's will indeed be "new light" or "because many of the present CO's are aging and unable to keep up with the demands of the road, therefore, they will only be visiting each congregation once a year."
Or they will appoint 1 elder locally to oversee the activities of 10 or so congregations, thereby eliminating the expense of traveling overseers. The poor elder will not only have to work fulltime to support his family but will now have the additional headache of hearing, not one congregations problems, but 10. I think they use to call them "city overseers." Anyone remember them? I don't think they still have them do they?
Anyway, interesting thought metatron. I know several ex-CO's being cared for by the Society. When the lawsuits hit, and the money starts getting low, I wonder if they will put the care of the ex-CO's onto the congregation.
Maybe the CO's and DO's should band together and file a class action suit for a pension/retirement benefits package.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
jc file notes - what do they contain?
jones.. 15. brother smith would tell bro.
smith noted too that bro.
Good for you Jeffory.
My husband has often stated that he would love to break into the KH files and pull his out and burn it. I know brothers who were once friends of his (now elders) that more than likely hit the filing cabinet as soon as they were appointed, just to see why he was removed as a MS and publicly reproved. I wouldn't put it past them.
Good post, Amazing, as always.
Anyone that has ever had to succumb to a judicial committee meeting knows the horrors that are involved. Amazing's outline is right on the money, at least in the instances that I know about.
Joelbear is right, these men have a lot to answer for. My blood is boiling.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
last night the husband and i went out to dinner and a nightclub with the few remaining jw friends that we have, which are not many.
we laughed and drank (jw's know where to find the best booze) and had a good time.
this morning, i told the husband that maybe we should make an appearance at the kh on sundays only, so that we can hang onto the few remaining friends that we have.
Thanks all for your words of encouragement.
Richie, Freepeace is right. To get reinstated these days requires going to EVERY meeting, having WT & bookstudy lesson marked, sitting through at least 2 assemblies in a DF'd state and not associating with any non-witnesses. This must be kept up for a minimum of 6 months, usually a year. I haven't heard of anyone being reinstated in under a year lately.
Basically, you have to give up every shred of dignity you possess, kiss butt for a year and succumb to the humiliation of the Three Stooges (or in some circles known as the judicial committee.)
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
last night the husband and i went out to dinner and a nightclub with the few remaining jw friends that we have, which are not many.
we laughed and drank (jw's know where to find the best booze) and had a good time.
this morning, i told the husband that maybe we should make an appearance at the kh on sundays only, so that we can hang onto the few remaining friends that we have.
Last night the husband and I went out to dinner and a nightclub with the few remaining JW friends that we have, which are not many. We laughed and drank (JW's know where to find the best booze) and had a good time.
This morning, I told the husband that maybe we should make an appearance at the KH on Sundays only, so that we can hang onto the few remaining friends that we have.
If looks could kill, I would be a dead woman typing out this post.
He went to work and I decided to check out what's new on the board.
Thank you, one and all, because now I know that I do not want to spend even 2 hours of my life sitting in a KH.
I know that our friendship with the witnesses we were out with last night will come to an end shortly, as there was an elder and a MS in the same restaurant and both have already shunned us because we do not attend meetings. I know that a phone call to our friends PO is probably in the works.
Oh well, life goes on.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
just wanted to pass along a recent experience that has helped open my eyes about many things.
i wasn't going to share this with the db but with all of the crap going on around here lately i thought it might be nice to post something that i found to be uplifting.
a few of you that i exchange emails with already know that my leukemia came out of remission recently.
Wishing you all the best, Jon.
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero
deep, dark secrets.. horrible, ugly things that dwell in shadows.. things no one speaks about.
topics that are avoided.. in some groups, it might be a murder, or an act of incest.. but with the watchtower, of all the dark secrets hidden from view,.
there is one uglier and more horrible than any other by far.. it is this:.
"suppose a Society lawyer/director with lots of
evidence about internal change on blood commits
adultery/fraud/theft/murder? How can you discipline them?
You can't - they know enough to write a book or call a
press conference. Imagine a New York Post cover like
"Blood on Their Hands" showing pictures of the Governing
Body/New Directors."
Interesting thought!
"By doubting we come at truth" -Cicero